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Messages - keepsitreal

Pages: [1]
Super 8 / Re: i2012 kymco super 8 50cc 2t - beginning of mods
« on: August 09, 2013, 05:57:30 AM »
That pipes a great start! I just got started on my super 8 too. From what I've read/heard/seen other than the actual restrictions getting that air a flowin has the biggest impact on top and bottom performance. The stock jet is 72 but most come with a restricted ?tiny#? jet. Look around on here to see what's working with your exhaust. Seems like most are in the 82-84 or 90-92 range. If they didn't derestrict at the shop then you'll have to throw the smooth boss on too. 

I'm doing same exhaust and tryin an 84 jet. Sense I'll be in there already I'm gonna go ahead and throw in a molassi variator/rollers along with the smooth boss and new spring. As far as I can tell that's a good place to stop and get all that dialed. Check out a stage one kit from provo or scooter hospital. 

Anyone know any other good parts places?

Have good scootin!

Thanks for the help. I don't really know how to make links work. I've never been much of a forum kinda guy. :o  Tried to attach it but I guess it was a little large. :'( There is such a thing as too big. ;D

Super 8 / Free 188 page service manual!! Do it yourself warrenty info.
« on: August 05, 2013, 01:43:47 AM »

Here is a link to a free must have service manual.  This things for real.‎ 8)

The very common beliefs that you must have all services done at a KYMCO certified mechanic, and refrain from any form of mod, or the incredible warranty some hold so dear will no longer be honored, is in many ways false. Sadly so many of us have either assumed we've voided our coverage by doing our own work, or spent way too much money to have the dealership do incredibly simple service work simply cause they told us it's necessary. 

I just talked to the KYMCOUSA service/warranty work department.  If you read any of my recent post you'll see I've had issues with dealer price and honesty so I got serious about obtaining the truth and did so with great success.  I was very direct and specific with my questions and made clear to the guy (name withheld for his job security) that I would not use the info as an excuse to hold him liable for any denied warranty claim that could result from my actions.

It is still suggested to have your first 300km service done at a certified shop. KYMCO takes that service very seriously as should you.

To keep it short the main points are:
-If the problem you seek warranty coverage for does not result from faulty service you will be covered.  IE. Not filling your gear oil to the proper level or at suggested mileage.
-De restriction is not considered modifying and is not frowned upon at all.
-Modifications will only cause issue if they are directly related to the problem. IE. Engine problems following installation of aftermarket carb. If your rear shock blows following same upgrade you'll be fully covered.

-Keep detailed records. (receipts, mileage, dates, time stamp pictures)
-Know your stuff. Displaying incompetence about the mechanics of what you've done will only strengthen their case.
-Keep OEM parts!! Ye ol swap back, just in-case, my save you much headache.

I hold no responsibility for what may occur in accordance to your use of the information. It is intended as a guide only, not as legal advise.  I feel very confident that if you are diligent in your record keeping and sound workmanship you will not only save money but become much more in-tune with your scoot.

Have good scootin!! 

Super 8 / Re: Dealer trust? Fair Prices? MAJOR UPDATE!!
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:21:05 PM »
Score another one for the Home Team!! ;D 8)  Through polite, knowledge backed assertion of my request to have MY PARTS returned to me I have successfully received the stock 72 jet and smooth boss from my dealership. Once the head shop guy said, in response to my request to forgo the "speed kit" installation and just take my parts to do t my self, "ya sure, I suppose we could sell them back to you." OOO, thanks for the fuel bud. "Sell them back to you" probably wasn't the best choice of words on his part. I got the major run around, (transferred to all 4 employees at some point) with everyone playing dumb and having to "check with (someone else.)" but in the end my original salesman said, "ya, looks like those parts do come with the scooter, you can come pick them up anytime." 
Right on! Now that that was done I tried to work out a deal with them where they would do my 200mi service and install my parts at a fair labor only rate rather than the "speed kit" rate.  These idiots said no, they would still charge the full $150 for the install plus $75 for the service which is literally a 5 min gear oil change and 5 min bike inspection.  Well, they nickle and dimmed their way to losing a very loyal long term customer and all my friends. 

Fight for whats yours guys.  Don't let these ass holes take advantage of you. 

Have good scootin KYMCO nation!!

WOW!! What a stroke of luck finding that one!  Have you posted it in the super 8 section as it's own thread?  If not I think it would help a ton of people if it was right there where everyone hangs out.  Thanks man!

Grandvista 250 / Re: 2009 Granvdvista questions before buying
« on: August 02, 2013, 05:02:26 AM »
Ya figured so.  I literally came on here to ask what people thought about that same bike.  Sorry to hear about your situation.  It's so messed up to do that to someone.  They probably had someone offer asking price and rather than contact to and give you the chance to match it they just figured they'd ignore your calls for a few days.  I've had someone sell a trailer while I was making the three hour drive through the mountains to pick it up.  I had called them ten minutes after it went on sale and was on my way ten minutes after that.  Oh, and they didn't bother telling me until I backed down their quarter mile goat path of a driveway 3 hours later.  Guess not everyone can be as stand up as guy that buys his girl a sweet bikes for her birthday!

Just got off the phone with super nice Kymco USA people.  As Pimp says the lady is very nice but I was told that the boss and jet don't always come with the scooters in the crate.  Being that they are shipped from overseas to tons of different places all with different rules there is very little consistency in which ones come with the original parts.(my guess) Or Pimp got the truth and sense then KymcoUSA policy has changed, regarding telling customers, in order to cover their dealers asses when the parts happen to not be in the crate?

I also spoke with a nice guy from the service/warranty department who, after I made it clear I wasn't gonna hold him liable for his advise, gave me some very useful info.  I was transferred to him with some warranty ?'s.  Great info Ill post in a seprate thread.  What I was able to extract in relavance to this topic was his "very off the record" opinion on the way my shop in question was handling my business. Basically I explained the rediculous quote and final OTD price being clear that I understood this was not his place but led with that to get to "so given the price I've already paid and the $150 speed kit quote do you feel like I may be better off going somewhere else from now on?"  His response was that he isn't supposed to get involved in dealer relations but if it were him he'd at least try to get them to do the first tune and boss/jet work super cheap after telling them I've become aware of their less than stand-up ways.

That's pretty much been the plan I'd be goin with.  I'm gonna tell them I know that stuff should be in there(without say KUSA said so) and that if they want my and my peoples business it would likely be worth it to do me right by changin my oil and de restricting my bike now...for um, let's go with free.

Yo Pimp1, thanks for gettin back at me on all my posts. I had seen your post regarding this scandalous shenanagry but on the same thread (OP i think) dude was sayin Kymco wouldn't tell him whether or not he was supposed to get HIS original parts, and then other dude said they don't include them anymore, referring to his friend having just bought a new ride without the parts included.  Now I feel like dude not getting the parts just means his dealer is just like the rest of them, scandalous.  ???  I'm bout to holla at Kymco but have been waiting to have all the info I can first.  So I'm guessing you called a different department/division because you got a straight answer and not the run around like the first guy.  I think my regional rep is S.C. too so I'm gonna try that.  The purpose of this thread was to determine how crooked this dealership is in order to A. get what's fairly mine B. Decide how to proceed with the rest of my scoot dealings C. Make sure they really are scammin before trashing their name all over this board and the Asheville scoot scene.  Gettin closer to the truth thanks to folks like you.  Updates as they come!  Have good scootin!

It's a 2T fully stock and restricted as of now.  From what I can tell the exhaust is holding these machines back more than anything else. Some folks have had success with tweaking the stock pipe in some ways. (on this forum) If you didn't upgrade your exhaust after rejetting your not getting much of the benefits.  As far as I know they pretty much go hand in hand.  I'm kinda stuck right now cause I need my 200 mile service but still havn't decided whether or not to have the dealership do the work.  I had planned on de restricting and adding a racing carb, variator, clutch, and exhaust all at the same time but it looks like I'm better off just having them do the required maintenance  and do the rest my self.  Ya and as far as the cdi goes your right.  That's just another thing that makes me feel like these guys ain't scootin straight.  For $150 their "speed kit" includes the boss, re jet, and "CDI work."  seems like about 30 bucks worth of labor to me.  Anyway, it's great to talk to someone just getting started.  Once I get over this hump and figure out what I can do and still keep the warranty I'm goin for it.  There is a lot of great info on here.  Let's get these beauties movin!

Super 8 / How to tell model year?
« on: July 31, 2013, 10:15:49 AM »
O.k. last one guys. 
How does one find the model year with only the scoot itself as a reference?

If it's serial number is it as simple as the year will be part of the number?

Is there any difference between a 2012 and 2013 super 8?

Have good scootin!

Super 8 / OTD $$? Extras!!?
« on: July 31, 2013, 10:10:40 AM »
Bought my 2013 Super Sexy, aka 8, at Dal Kawa in Hendersonville, Nc. I was mighty surprised when he quoted me $2700 OTD knowing I was payin cash. Tryin to give me all this freight, shipping, un crating blah blah blah.  I know those fees exist sometimes but any stand up place is gonna charge retail +tax.  Their profit is factored in already. As I was trying to build a solid relationship with what appeared to be a large, reputable, honest shop, I didn't want to low ball too bad and piss the guy off so I just fired back with $2500 flat (which is what I brought to spend Max. for scoot +extras).  Dude was sayin yes before I even finished offering so instantly I knew he was really tryin to jack me on 27.  Sense he showed his cards so quick I did manage to get him to throw in a trunk box and helmet.  So what did y'all pay new from who?  Just really not feeling like these guys are scootin straight but don't want to ruin my relationship with the only KYMCO dealer in the area if just cause I have serious trust issues when it comes to products sold by salesmen.
My math shows 2199x.07(tax)=$2352.93 I feel like him even quoting any higher than that is a bit shady.  What do you guys think?


     Hey KYMCO peoples, I'm new to the forum (posting anyway, lurked a bit) and have to say this is an invaluable resource that I am greatly appreciative to have come across and I look forward to talkin some scoot with y'all. I've got a few questions, concerns, a subjects I'd love to hear from y'all about. I'm new to the whole forum thing so I'll do my best to separate topics into a few posts in order to keep each one on subject. I'm open to any critique on my posts structure/organization or etiquette. O.k. let's talk.
     So I just started scootin again after roughly 7 years livin way out in the country.  Got my self a super 8 and so far I"m pretty stoked on it, considering it's government issued limitations.  I know derestriction is a widely discussed topic and I've got a good idea of what the future holds for my sexy new ride.  My questions, for this post, relate to my dealership experience and what exactly needs to be,or not be, done to maintain this killer warranty.  I'm at 192 so will be takin her to the dealership for the first tune.  I was put under the impression, by them, that they couldn't do even the 3 basic derestrictions till this point which I had no reason to believe otherwise till I was ridin her home thinkin to my self that removing restrictions isn't moding at all, and in many arguments is actually healthier for the engine.  This led me to begin dissecting my entire purchase experience.  Alright I'm gonna try and speed this up with bullet points touching on my concerns.  Thanks for baring with me.
-Dealer offered "speed kit" for 150 when asked about derestrict. Called and pried to discover this "kit" is simply the right boss, jet, and cdi wire unplug.  (so now i'm becoming suspicious of these folks to say the least) Adding to this is the fact that they've been very adamant that ANY work done by any one other than them voids my warranty.
--So any official word on whether that boss and jet is mine anyway? (comes with purchase) I'm calling Kymco in A.M.
     -$150 to switch out boss and jet! Kit my ass!
     -Should I expect a whole new carb and variator? Not just boss and jet? 
--Shop manager called boss "the slide thing" and couldn't tell me what size jet was on now or would be replaced with! Y'all know?  And wouldn't that change depending on what I do exhaust wise?
      -I just don't want to have to have it done twice. Let's just get the (82-88?) on there now. (more on this in another post aye)
--The guys seemed pretty cool at first, and I'm super loyal to people who do me right, so while we were finishing the sale I tried to get down to exactly what mods they could do without voiding the best warranty in the scooter world. (I know they're easy but I was hoping to work with the shop to really juice her up and stay covered. It became very apparent that they were motorcycle dudes and barely knew, cared or gave a butt nugget what was possible, much less legit with Kymco.
    So I guess through writing I've figured out what my actual discussion points are here.
Boss, Jet, CDI (basic derestrict  price?
Do they have to do all service/work to keep warranty?
What's cool to do without voiding coverage?

O.k. so I guess that's a big enough thread starter.  I know there's been a discussion on the "goodie bag" that usually or used to come with scoot but even after dude got it resolved others piped in saying it was no longer standard so if no one knows for sure I'll find out and drop the info on here.  Sorry bout the long dis-organized post. I've just got so much scoot on the mind, ya know.  Gonna make a couple much shorter post here so hope y'all don't get burnt out reading this.  Have good scootin!! 8)

Grandvista 250 / Re: 2009 Granvdvista questions before buying
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:06:14 AM »
Hey Mongoose, Do you happen to be in the Asheville area?  I was actually just getting on here to ask the same questions as you, most likely, about the same bike.  Kinda bummed to find out it's gone. Hate it when people don't take down their posts when they sell.  Anyway this is actually my first post here. Bout to put up a couple more that you may have some insight on.  If I can figure out how to link to them from here once they're up I look forward to talkin scoot with some fellow WNC riders.  Have good scootin!

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