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Messages - CB024

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Just got back from the shop and the guys at Sarasota Fun Machines are the best!  The wheel was out of round. They swapped it out and what a difference. Did 50mph on the way home, smooth as glass.  If anyone else has this kind of problem make sure the test rider is about your size.  My mechanic is 80 lbs heavier than I am and did not  feel it as much so a salesperson, who is more my size, road it and diagnosed the problem. Gonna grab a bite and off to scoot.

The wheel or the tire? Glad they fixed it and you got good service from your dealer. I havent been so lucky unfortunately :-\

I'm on top of it momma bear. My wife's scooter has the same issue and guess what color it is..... RED. I think its pigment of the paint throwing the bike off balance ;D Kidding of course.

I'm going to pull the wheel this weekend. I'm going to set up a jig so I can see if the wheel is in fact out of balance using the static method.

If you can, take a look at the side wall of your front tire. There should be a yellow dot somewhere on the side wall. That is supposed to be the lightest part of the tire and should be lined up in close proximity to the valve stem. On my wife’s scooter its about 3 inches off from the valve stem. I’m not sure if this is what’s causing the problem or not but its where I’m starting. I'll know better when I static balance.

If my wife’s ends up being slightly off and it appears that it’s in the area of the valve stem then I will remove the tire and line the dot with the stem to see if that helps. While the tire is off I'm going to check the runout on the wheel as well. It could be a bad wheel casting but I think if that were the case there would be a lot more complaints about shaky front ends.

No matter what I want to get this figured out so that it can help others like yourself who are experiencing this issue.

LIKE 200i / Re: New LIKE owner
« on: August 27, 2013, 04:30:13 AM »
That sucks about your dealer. You know those front tires are pretty easy to remove, i'd take it off and bring it to any powersports shop and have them balance it, it probably wouldn't cost more than $10 if you bring it in off the bike.

I did that initially. I took it to 2 different places and neither could do scooter tires. I guess I could call around and find out what place in the valley can do scooter tires.

Well, I wouldn't blame you if you sold your wife's scooter. If your service is that bad..........I don't know what you could do.
Since it is important to you that it be safe - you could change out the tires and put Michelins on...but don't know where you'd get that done if dealer is so bad.

I certainly would go down to the dealer and ask to speak to the manager. Explain your issues, what you'd like to see done and what you plan to do if not satisfied.

Would be sorry to lose you as a member - but there are a lot of good scooters out there - maybe you could find another good scoot with a good dealer!
Yeah it's just frustrating. Ultimately I don't mind wrenching on my stuff. I guess its more the fact that I feel I shouldn't have to fix a brand new scooter. I have been riding for years so I'm not worried about me but my wife who has never ridden 2 wheels besides a 10 speed bicycle I tend to worry, haha. If I sell it I'm going to take a loss on it for sure and I wont sell it until I get the problem fixed. I wouldn't burn someone with an issue like this.

As far as the Michelin's I was thinking the exact same thing. Great minds think alike!! 8) Heck my wife might fall in love with the thing once its rolling right and want to keep it. I just need to be prepared to go it alone with zero dealership support if we do keep it.

As far as the manager issue. I don't think that will do me much good. I've been dealing with the owner. His loss. I had fully planned on buying another from him for me in a few months before this all happened. That's not going to happen now!

I'll get working on it next week as this week is pretty busy for me. Once I get it squared away I'll post what I did in case it happens to another member here.

Stay safe out there guys.

LIKE 200i / Re: New LIKE owner
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:46:59 PM »
Update: I dropped the scooter off at the dealer that I bought it from. After having the scooter for a week their conclusion was that the front tire pressure was low. They added air said everything was fine. I check my tire pressure before every ride on all my bikes so I know that wasn’t the issue. I asked if anything else was done. He said no that the tire pressure was the issue. I took the scooter and as soon as I hit 40mph the shake was there again peaking at 45mph just like it was before I dropped it off.

Needless to say I’m done with the dealer. It’s not only too far from my house but the dealer isn’t interested in properly fixing vehicles, just selling them.

I’m going to have to fix it myself and then its going up for sale. Nothing against the scooter or Kymco but a 2 year warranty is worthless when the dealer honoring it can’t wrench on the product they are selling.

LIKE 200i / Re: New LIKE owner
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:40:03 AM »
Got a hold of the place I bought it and he agrees that it sounds like a tire issue. He said to bring it in and he would take care of it. I'll drop it off on Friday this week and see how it goes.

LIKE 200i / Re: Super Pro Job on the LIKE SEAT~!!
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:38:05 AM »
That is a nice looking seat!! Has to be a huge improvement over the stock setup.

LIKE 200i / Re: Synthetics, Scooter specific vs automotive
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:02:49 AM »
I always run full synthetic in air cooled engines.

LIKE 200i / Re: New LIKE owner
« on: August 12, 2013, 03:55:40 AM »
I talked with a veteran motorcycle racer who told me that if a motorcycle/scooter tire needs to be balanced then it needs to be removed because it is unsafe.  He said the motorcycle and scooter tires are made with more exacting tollerances than automotive tires and thus don't need to be balanced.  He said he has been mounting tires since the 70's and has only seen a handful of tires that needed balancing, and they all had manufacture defects and/or structural damage. 

A different motorcycle shop mounted my Michelin Pilot Sport tire on my Like and they did not balance it.  I have ZERO vibration, even with hitting 70 mph down a steep hill.

I have to agree with your buddy. If the place I bought it from wont do anything about it then I'll probably end up buying a new set of tires. I'll also check the run out on the rim while I have the stock tires removed in case the rim is bad. Just sucks because I bought new hoping that it would save me having to wrench so much. I own a Harley though so Im no stranger to having to wrench on my own stuff. Story of my life, haha.

LIKE 200i / Re: New LIKE owner
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:14:08 PM »
Mine has no weights on the wheels. I thought that possibly 12" are too small to require them? Hey, maybe you should call ahead. They may say the cause could be something else? Maybe the scooter is not safe to ride?
If that is the case, maybe they will pick it up. The dealer I bought mine from just loaded it in a mini truck using a folding aluminum ramp. It was really easy for him to deliver it. They did not charge either. My dealer is close to twenty miles away.
Good luck! I think once this is sorted out you will like this scooter. It's a great bike.

Yeah I'm not knocking the scooter itself. Its not a bad scooter for the money. I think its a bad tire which happens. I'm going to call the place on Tuesday and see what they say (they are closed Sun and Mon).

LIKE 200i / Re: New LIKE owner
« on: August 11, 2013, 07:16:58 PM »
Well went to two different places this morning and neither could do anything with scooter wheels and tires. I guess Im going to have to go to the place I bought it. Just sucks I have to ride this thing 25 miles back to the place in the hopes that they will fix it. It is my opinion that this scooter is unsafe for road use.

Glad you guys are having better luck with your scooters.

LIKE 200i / New LIKE owner
« on: August 11, 2013, 04:07:35 PM »
I purchased a new Like for my wife about a week ago. Its a nice scooter with the exception of the seat and the front wheel. The seat isnt new news to you guys but the front wheel on this brand new bike is badly out of balance. Any speed about 40 and the bike shakes so bad it feels like you're rolling on an egg shaped wheel. I'll have to build a jig and go buy some wheel weights this week. My wife is a new rider so its really not safe for her to ride as is. Other than that she loves the scooter.

LIKE 200i / Re: Parking/Storage
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:52:21 PM »
If you have a backyard you could always go to the hardware store and buy a cheap storage shed. That way you scooter is out of site but also out of the elements. It will keel your scooter looking nicer longer. Just a thought.

If I couldn't do that then I would roll it inside. Bikers have done it for years.  8)

LIKE 200i / Re: DIY seat completed~!
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:48:53 PM »
Looks a lot more comfortable. Good job.

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