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Messages - Bgwhite11

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: 2006 KYMCO Agility 50 boss help
« on: September 29, 2013, 09:37:43 PM »
So it runs ok after a good warm up, but I'm having trouble with mid range torque/acceleration.  For example: 0-20 is pretty consistent; 20-35 is very slow but the rpms drop a bit and slight inclines bog down the scooter much easier than usual; and after 35 or so the rpms pick up again and I accelerate consistently to the top speed of 44mph.

Not sure what to do next.  I'm not sure how to check the torque driver, and I checked the rollers and they don't have any flat spots.  When I pulled the variator boss off, 3 plastic V shaped pieces came off with it.  I couldnt figure out where they were supposed to be and all videos I have seen about changing the rollers don't include them, so I just left them out and put the cvt back together.

Agility 50 / Re: 2006 KYMCO Agility 50 boss help
« on: September 25, 2013, 01:20:56 AM »
OK, I finally installed the new variator boss and cut the cdi.  The first ride was great, it got up to 44 or so, maybe a little faster downhill.  The next two rides got progressively worse and now my scooter tops out at like 25 on flats, which is thoroughly depressing and aggravating--after all I spent hours removing the old boss and installing the new one(with 0 experience).  Anyone know whats going on?

When I pulled off the old boss, the variator came off with it and the weights spilled out.  The stock weights have one bare metal end and another coated in the plastic sheathing.  I wasn't sure which side to put which so I ended up just putting all of the sheathed ends facing counter clockwise in the roller seats.  I then put the back piece that holds the rollers in place back on and slid it slowly back onto the scooter.  Then i put in the new drive boss, looped the belt back on, and reinstalled the crankshaft gear with the nut on the end, reallllllly tightly like it was before.  Bolted the cvt cover back on and then that was it.  It sounds like the engine isn't getting up to full rpm, which doesn't really make sense to me because I only touched the drivetrain and not the engine itself, right?

Also, when I pulled into my driveway and came to a stop, the scooter instantly stalled and cut out.  The electric starter is broken so I always kick start it in 1-2 kicks, but it literally took 40 plus kicks to finally start.  Plus after reinstalling the cvt cover, it felt as though the kickstart lost some of it's resistance, almost like the bendix gear was seated wrong.  But I specifically remember seating it properly(because I knew I could onlyyyy start it with the kick start).  Normally it idles perfectly fine too.  I'm lost and confused, what the hell could I have done to cause such issues?

I don't know what went wrong, a quick google search yielded a few possibilities like broken springs, clutch stuck open, and some others....

PLEASE HELP, so frustrated by this.

Agility 50 / Re: 2006 KYMCO Agility 50 boss help
« on: September 18, 2013, 01:23:54 AM »
  The part # on the pliers is 47371. I bought them several years ago so don't know if the number is still valid with sears, but they should have something similar. These look like the same, just different number.

  The stock rollers are 6.5 grams on the agility. 5-5.5 grams is a pretty good mix of better acceleration and retain top end.

  When you stalled at the light was it idling normally prior to throttle up? Was it fully warmed up?

That must've been it--I was in a rush this morning to get to class, she only got 30sec-1min idle warm up time.  It idles consistently usually, it was also 10 degrees or so cooler today compared to recent days.  Maybe I'll clean the carb and jets a bit.  I'm learning slowly but surely! Thanks wheelsoffreedom!

Agility 50 / Re: 2006 KYMCO Agility 50 boss help
« on: September 17, 2013, 09:20:54 PM »
Interesting.  I could give those a shot.  Do you know the size by any chance?  Just looking online I can see 9", 12", 15.5", ect...

Also, one more question.  I live in Boston and my commute consists of waiting at several stop lights.  What would be the best roller weight to use?  I think the ones in the variator are worn too much, as acceleration is spotty at certain times.  I want rollers that would be light enough for peppy acceleration but not so light that my top speed is reduced too much, since I travel on up to 35mph roads.

Thanks for everyone's help!  Starting from ground zero when it comes to basic mechanical work, I've had my scoot for about 2.5 weeks now.

EDIT: Oh yeah!  Today I stalled at a stop light when I gave the scoot gas after the light turned green.  Anyone know what that's all about?

Agility 50 / Re: 2006 KYMCO Agility 50 boss help
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:07:40 PM »
Ok, got the boss and opened the kick cover.  The crankshaft nut will not come off.  It's on there really tight.  I can't keep the gear from spinning every time I try to loosen the nut.  Any tips? I'm desperate lol

Agility 50 / Re: 2006 KYMCO Agility 50 boss help
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:34:12 PM »
Awesome, thanks to the both of you.  Ordered the boss, now I'm looking for an #82 jet.  I'm super new to this stuff, do you guys have a recommendation for a site to buy from?

Thanks again!

Agility 50 / 2006 KYMCO Agility 50 boss help
« on: September 06, 2013, 03:04:36 AM »
Just bought a used 2006 a50 with 6000km on it.  The machine both runs and looks great.  On flat roads, I top out at 33mph.  I heard about cutting the CDI, but saw warnings about the "variator boss".  Could anyone give me a link for an unrestricted smooth boss? I don't have the tools to grind the stock boss either.  Also, any chance for a step by step installation procedure?

I'm assuming the CDI mod and boss change would get me to 40mph or so?


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