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Messages - dtjmsy

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Agility do not start
« on: September 07, 2013, 04:20:06 PM »
Hello every one,

A few months ago I putted my agility under heavy rain, I tried to start it with the button, no start, then I tried with the kickstart same problem, it just make some noises but no start :-[. So
I bring the scooter back home and put it in the garage for a while, I guess that the battery is now empty as I don' t need immediate use of it

This morning, I came accross this website, and I would like to make another try, I remove the plug spark to clean it and put it back but still no success.

- tried with the kick start as there is no more battery.
- I check the  fuses, they are ok.

Now what do you advice to check next ?

Thanks all

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