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Messages - Baller522

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Maryland Riders?
« on: September 20, 2013, 05:49:53 PM »
i stay off main roads and go down back roads mainly. i can get on roads that are 50 mph and lower so most roads i get on are 35-45. the farthest i rode was to Mayo Beach below Annapolis. It was a very nice ride. What size do you have?

General Discussion / Re: Maryland Riders?
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:22:25 PM »
I live between D.C and Baltimore. I have rode around Glen Burnie and Pasadina alot. I have wrode to the bay a few times as well. The drivers up here are not to friendly with me though. I had like 5-6 people blow their horns and yell at me when i wasnt doing anything wrong. I was in the far right lane riding as close to the line as i could.

General Discussion / Maryland Riders?
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:06:52 PM »
Are their any riders in the Maryland area that have some nice routes that they have found? Im new to scooters and new to Maryland(From Alabama (Military)). I have a Agility 50 so i am restricted from some roads.

Thanks in Advance!

Agility 50 / Re: Will i lose MPG if i derestrict?
« on: September 20, 2013, 11:38:48 AM »
Thanks for all the advice. Its helped alot. Looks like ill be working on my scoot this weekend lol

Agility 50 / Re: Please Help 2012 Agillity 50 Need more speed???
« on: September 19, 2013, 03:47:01 PM »
Mines a 2011 and the place I got it from derestircted it. 

I know they 82 jet and CDI was cut. not sure as the smooth boss but I am sure that is in there.   Mine averages 38 to 41MPH on flats with no other mods depending on weather and wind.

As for people saying get bigger scooters to begin with that is nice in theory, but in my state you need a motorcycle lincense for anything over 50cc.  So with the 50cc I can just have regular license.  Granted most cops would not pull you over just to check license but they maybe an occassion that could occur (i.e. just happen to be speeding on bigger scooter or police check point which I have been through a couple in my car and they check your license.)  I heard of people getting citations and at least one person having their motorcycle impounded for not having the motorcycle licensing (they couldn't ride it home and no one to come get it).  Where I live in florida you also have to take a basic riders course before you can apply for motorcycle license so that is at least $200 for cheap one.  Also paying for new license.  Plus add in extra cost for the bigger scooter of a couple of hundred bucks.

Say on the low end you spend $500 more to get faster scooter that can do like 60mph thats great and legally drive it.  Or I can buy a 50cc and spend about $100 to $200 depending on parts and get 45 to 50 MPH and be happy and still have $300+ in my pocket. 

Besides I hope most people are like me and understand that 50ccs won't be super fast but would like to at least get them to work at their full potential and from what I have seen 45 to 50 seams reasonable with right components and still staying 50cc.

And if I need real speed I just drive my car.

The law is the same here in Maryland. I just drive mine to and from base which is like 7 miles. No motorcycle license and no motercycle safty course required for 49cc on base. That is the only reason i bought one in the first place instead of getting a ninja 250. We are also required to insure it and have a sticker instead of a tag. One time regesration sticker.

Agility 50 / Will i lose MPG if i derestrict?
« on: September 19, 2013, 03:31:02 PM »
I have a 2012 a50 with about 300 miles. If i change my jet to the 82 and change my boss will i lose gas milage?

Agility 50 / Re: Please Help 2012 Agillity 50 Need more speed???
« on: September 19, 2013, 03:05:07 PM »
to get the best out of your scoot u ned to do all 3
82 jet
drive boss
and cut the cdi box.

I have read that cutting the CDI box on the 2012 model doesn't work. Also i read that cutting the CDI box makes it where your electric start doesn't work anymore. Would buying an aftermarket CDI do the trick?Are aftermarket CDI better than cutting the stock one?

Agility 50 / Re: Please Help 2012 Agillity 50 Need more speed???
« on: September 19, 2013, 12:09:46 PM »

   A #82 main jet for the carb is also part of unrestricting it. If you bought your scoot from the dealer, they should have gave you a bag with the smooth variator boss and a #82 main jet. If they did not, I would drop in and ask them for them. They may have installed them already too ( should see closer to 40-45 indicated mph once you get it broke in a little bit, if they did it already).


Thanks man they did put them in the bag i just had no clue what it was. Now ill have to install them and test the results. Also what grade of oil do i need to use for my first oil change? I have about 300 miles on it.

Agility 50 / Re: Please Help 2012 Agillity 50 Need more speed???
« on: September 19, 2013, 12:06:08 PM »
it is restricted and i dont want much more speed out of it maybe 5-10 MPH not looking to bore maybe just a simple jet change or boss change but like i said im completley new to scooters and i live in MD

Agility 50 / Please Help 2012 Agillity 50 Need more speed???
« on: September 18, 2013, 02:06:52 PM »
I just bought my 2012 Agility 50 about two months ago. My top speed is maybe 35 MPH. How can i get more speed? I am mechanically inclined but i have no idea how to work on scoots only cars. Any help will be appreciated.


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