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Messages - Gilesplus

Pages: [1]
Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown 300i Won't Turn Over
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:53:06 AM »
I know thread is a few weeks old, but it sounds similar to a problem I had.

Description of the problem was similar to yours, except that I could hear everything start when I turned the key - fuel pump, lights came on etc. just the starter button had no effect.

Turns out it was a faulty brake handle sensor - you might be able to confirm this by watching if your brake lights come on when you squeeze the handles.

Another diagnostic it simply to bridge the switch in the handlebars - if the bike then turns over you know the switch is causing the problem - don't ride like this as your brake light will be on permanently.

I was told that they are a fairly fragile switch that has a limited lifespan. They are cheap (5 swiss francs / 6 USD ) and not very difficult to replace.

Hope this helps


Downtown 300 / Re: Starting Problem
« on: September 11, 2014, 09:49:25 AM »
Thanks! - I will this out  :)

Downtown 300 / Re: Starting Problem
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:37:31 AM »
Turns out it was a problem with the sensor on the brake handle (also means the brake light was not coming on)

My interim quick fix was to run a wire directly from the battery, via a push switch, to the motor. It starts fine when I do this, which indicates the whole starting system is fine, just the safety system is not working.

Back to the dealer to get it fixed, who says that the sensors are apparently a "consumable"... not quite sure I believe it.

Any thoughts ?


Downtown 300 / Starting Problem
« on: January 10, 2014, 11:20:18 AM »
Hi Everyone, Happy New Year !

I have a curious problem: It's winter here, although it's not been too cold. After a few weeks I got a battery tender which has been left topping up the scooter. The scooter is parked outside on its centre stand, under a cover. The scooter is 2012 Downtown 300i with about 3800kms

I have done a couple of minor mods to the scooter, including putting a digital thermometer/voltmeter on the handle bars (only activated when the ignition is on) and heated handle bars. But the scooter has worked and been ridden since installing those items.

I went to start the scooter a couple of days ago, and while all the lights came on and the voltage said 12.6 (and the battery tender says it's full) when I turned the key only the following happens: all the lights come on, the needles flick up as per usual, and there is a momentary quiet buzz (the fuel pump maybe ? ) However when I squeeze the brakes and press the start button nothing happens, literally NOTHING ! :-) It does not react at all. No turning over, no starter motor, no reaction at all.

It seems as if the engine cut-off from the side stand is activated, however when I kick the side stand out it cuts off the lights etc. and when I kick it back up again as if to ride it goes through the same little start up sequence - lights come on, needles flick, short buzz.

Is there any other engine cut out mechanism that I have missed, as I'm mystified as to why its not working. Any thoughts, hints, things to test would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help and greetings from Switzerland


« on: December 29, 2013, 10:47:21 AM »
Having just done this I found the most help here: it's not in English, but visually it's quite helpful, although some of the shots are quite dark!

From memory you have to remove the windscreen, the coverings under the footrests/ running boards, as well as a bunch of screws, and as mentioned above, under the windscreen, between the headlights there's a Y shaped piece of black (on my black and white one it's black) about 20cm/10" long that you have to carefully pull out horizontally. Under here are a couple of nuts that help release the front fairing. I'll try to attach a couple of photos later on to help, I was installing a thermometer on the handle bars.

Good luck !

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