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Messages - k_ogre

Pages: [1]
$515 is after the repair bill it runs great

ok I found a add on craigslist venox 250 blown head gasket 200.00 so I called he said two other people where going to look at it in the nest few hours I stated i'll buy it unseen and pay with paypal if that was ok he said sure if it's not sold. well 3 hours later he call me back said it's mine if I wanted it  so I sent the paypal and got my friend larry to go with me and pick it up. well looked good not to beat up so we loaded it up and home we went. after playing with it for hours I did.t see anything that pointed to a blown head gasket I changed the oil (looked good) felt for presser leaks arounf the head still no sign so I played with it till I got it started (ran only on top end and one cyclender) so  I did what a smart guy would do.(very unlike me) took it to the shop. 8days and $315.01 later runs pretty good carbs were really dirty and needed rebuilt and the front valves were out of adjustment all said I'm happy and the wifes happy

Venox 250 / Re: water in oil
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:22:32 PM »
When I bought it he said the head gasket was blown and had water in the oil .when I got in home I drained the oil just a wisp of white in the oil and no sign of the gasket being blown but it runs like crap on the low end and will not idle.after messing around with it I took it to the shop seems to be missing on the rear cylinder they think its just needs adjustments .now its wait and see time any ideas on what you think it might be?

Venox 250 / what oil and oil filter do you use
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:05:06 AM »
I just got a venox for the wife look to change the oil what oil do you use and what oil filter ?

Venox 250 / water in oil
« on: October 21, 2013, 07:24:39 AM »
 ok I just got a 04 venox today but it has a problem water in the oil heres the story
hes been riding it to work 9miles and it started running bad he checked the oil and theres water in it no smole or overheating
I think head gasket what are your thoughts

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