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Messages - Sargasim

Pages: [1]
Agility 125 / Re: My agility..
« on: October 26, 2013, 02:29:12 AM »
i like your scooter

as for my own Agility 125 three years nearly 20,000 miles, all good, no issues. do the practical maintenance, ride, enjoy. i am sure it will all go to crap one day or need an unexpected, expensive repair. but that day has not come yet

very happy with this scooter and its toughness. just posting that for those unfamiliar and looking for info

I've gotten mine to a nice 22,000 miles in just over 2 years. I ride it everywhere.

Agility 125 / Re: issues starting the bike the lights fail to come on too
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:58:49 PM »
could be a bad battery, hope it got fixed.

Agility 125 / Re: My agility..
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:57:42 PM »
Its definetly an awesome scooter. It took me 2 years to realize that i could hang the helmet from the strap loop, and i didnt know if others new about it. Great thing when you have two helmets.

Agility 125 / Re: How can i get the Variator Nut off?
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:32:35 AM »
Thakfully i don't need to remove the clutch. And speaking of torque i was unable to find the exact amount. Is there a specific amount or will just using the impact be enough/to much?

Agility 125 / Re: How can i get the Variator Nut off?
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:21:52 AM »
You need to stop the piston. Pop the spark plug out and feed in some synthetic rope into the cylinder (No natural fiber because it frays). Turn the variator till the piston hits close to TDC as the rope will prevent it from going all the way. Put the impact on the variator nut and zooooooooooooom right off. Perform steps backwards to put the nut back on.

I have never found reverse threads on a scooter before.

I heard about that trick. I was under the mipression that the nut could be removed with just the impact because it spins the nut faster then the variator. Is there any truth to that? Also thats the exact same impact i was considering. How do you power yours if i may ask? i have access to a battery charger but not a car battery, and i don't think the scooter battaery has enough juice to do it.

Agility 125 / How can i get the Variator Nut off?
« on: October 23, 2013, 11:48:53 PM »
Before i get started here is some background info. I own a 2009 Agility 125, I got in 2011 brand new. Recently my belt snapped and i ordered a new one so i could put it on when i got home from school a few nights ago. Well after removing the cover and cleaning verything out i felt behind the variator and noticed that the rollers were not in the right places. (feeling through the empty spaces), i conformed this by spinning the variator and it sounded like a bag a marbles. I couldnt get the variator nut off myself because i do not own the tool to keep the variator from spinning. I ended up calling up my landlord because he has an air compressor and an impact gun.

The gun couldnt get it off, He doesn't think he has a big enough compressor, but I am sure his impact just doesn't work properly. So after that failure he tried jamming the variator by putting a screwdriver in one of the holes where the special tools go, Fastforward 2 tries and the variator face is broke in to three pieces. Two pieces broken off and the center with the nut still attached. Needless to say i do not trust his advice anymore even though i said we needed the special tool. I ended up ordereing a new variator face and it should arrive in a few days. Before i put the scooter away he said that he thinks the nut is a reverse nut and that it may be pressed on. I refuse to believe him because well, he broke the face, and i have yet to find anything supporting his theory. What should i try to do to get it off so i can replace it.

I was considereing getting a 12V electric impact but im not sure it will have enough kick to take the nut off. I live to far from the nearest shop, and even then their service fee is 89 dollars, plus a three day waiting period just so they can look at it, then even more waiting to actually get to it. I've delt with them before and refuse to go there again for service. Is it possible to get it off myself? if so please let me know. I miss my riding my scooter.

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