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Messages - freejack2k

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: How to get more speed WITHOUT de-restricting
« on: January 29, 2014, 04:19:39 PM »

As far as denial said by tortoise Some maybe in denial about the laws So I agree with that. 

But some are not.  I myself am not in denial.  but I rather have more speed to keep from getting completely ran over by other motorist.  Also most cops probably would not pull you over if you are not breaking significant laws.  If you are still within the speed limit and not causing a problems by impeading traffic due to your slower scooter I doubt most cops would waste the time to pull you over just for riding along.  The main key is to not draw any unnecessary attention to yourself.  just my 2 cents.

I agree with all of the above and i believe the bike is too slow and that actually makes it more dangerous but the thing that concerns me is the million to one shot that he could lose grip on the road and not only injure himself but someone else. If he were to knock someone down for whatever reason his insurance would be invalid as soon as they found out the bike had been altered. This could potentially lead to criminal charges against him and i would rather he went slower than go through that. Once he is 17 he can move up to a 125cc which will be plenty powerful enough for him.

Agility 50 / Re: How to get more speed WITHOUT de-restricting
« on: January 28, 2014, 05:36:38 PM »
Yes we are in the UK and i think we can do most other mods but if we de-restrict it he would essentially be driving without insurance.

Will follow your advice on the tyres, its more the top end speed he is looking for mainly due to a lot of roads here having a 40mph speed limit and him going at 30mph is causing more chance of an accident with drivers trying to overtake him. Was wondering if some of the spark plugs advertised on ebay as improving top end speed actually do this or is it just a sales gimick?

Agility 50 / How to get more speed WITHOUT de-restricting
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:52:01 PM »

My 16 year old son has an agiity 50. He would like it de-restricted but we were told at the shop that if we did this it would invaladate his insurance so i have told him he cannot do this.

I was wondering what other ways there are without de-restrcitng of getting a few extra MPH out of it. I have read certain types of spark plug for example can improve performance but im unsure which ones to get.

Any advice on what we can do to improve the bikes performance would be appreciated.


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