Hi there . For my dt 300 , I have swapped my oem clutch to Dr pulley HIT clutch . In my opinion the rattling problem during takeoff can be eliminated my using sand paper on the bell , but this is a temporary fix , for better results the 3 springs in the clutch should be changed to either new springs of same strength , or a better solution ,a harder set of springs , and the result is in delaying the opening of the clutch shoes , there is no rattling and the takeoff is smooth as butter .
also for removing the variator nuts , I use a 18v dewalt impact wrench , and it does the job very well , no messing around. And to put back the nuts I use the variator holding tool and a torque wrench . For front variator nut torque to 93 n-m , and for back pulley nut 54n-m. Hope that helps.