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Messages - cgibbs10

Pages: [1]
Hey guys,

I'm new around this forum (I actually just joined to try and find a solution to this problem). I own a new to me (but definitely used) Agility 50 cc. This is the first Kymco I've owned, I bought it to ride while I fix my Honda Ruckus. Anyways, I ride this around my college campus, and unfortunately had to let it sit for a few months over winter. While it sat out I forgot to add any fuel stabilizer or drain the tank, so the gas is currently in the bike is quite old. Knowing this, I tried to start the scooter and run it for a while to see if I could burn some of the old gas out so I could replace it ( I have no where or means to drain the tank here at school). When I finally got the scooter started I rode for a while but experienced intermittent power loss with seemingly no pattern as to when the scooter would malfunction. To give a brief description of the problem: the scooter would run fine for a few hundred yards and then the engine would "die out" and the scooter would coast to a stop--the engine never fully shut off but was in a state of very low idle--after waiting for different amounts of time the scooter would jump back up to a normal idle and be fine again for a short distance. During the times of low idle, pulling the throttle was useless for restoring idle--however pulling the brake levers did seem to help speed the idle up somewhat. Fast forward a week--I finally had a chance to remove the carb and clean it because I knew that the jets were most likely clogged. After cleaning the carb, jets, and bowl I replaced them and re-fired the scooter. It idled fine on the center-stand but after being ridden for a few seconds the problems began again, except this time the periods of dying out where more frequent and the scooter returned to higher idle quicker each time. Finally the scooter died and when cranked now remains at a very rough idle. I do realize that the gas is still old and most likely the tank has trash in it as well as the fuel lines and filter (I'm currently working on replacing and cleaning the above.) However, I post to ask: As the scooter sits now, when it is in a state of idling very rough when I pull the brake levers or engage the passing lights the idle jumps to an almost acceptable state, but returns to being very rough when the passing lights are turned off or the brakes are released--any ideas as to what may be causing this phenomenon.

Finally, are there any other suggestions as to things I should check while I try to find a place to drain and clean the tank, filter, and carb agagin?

Thanks for any help!

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