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Messages - wallemalling

Pages: [1]
Agility 125 / Re: i am a new Agility City 200i owner please help me
« on: March 12, 2014, 07:55:05 PM »
If its the same as the Agility 125 keep it at less than half throttle till 600km, then 3/4 till 1000km. Vary the speed. Don't run at slow speed for prolonged times.

tnx for info my freind. i now got the Agility 200i  in my home.

 i took it for a test drive .... i hawe now used it for 58 kilometers and its running like a dream.

 from 0-80 kilometer its got suprizing moiutch power. from 80 kmt its gets a litle slower,but it still got power.

at max speed the sound of engiene is changing .... hmmm lets just call it the kymco sound lol

this test was just a fast short one ... now its time to take it slow for a while.

the bike is nice to handle ..... easy to control the breaks.... and its easy to control the throtle....and at normal driving it dont make a lot of noice.

Agility 125 / i am a new Agility City 200i owner please help me
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:56:08 PM »
 today i get my new Agility City 200i,i now got some questions please.

1. what is the best driving style when the motor is brand new ??

2. how many kilometers before full throtle ??

3 what is the aprox top speed of the Agility City 200i when motor is ready for full use ??

my English is not perfect at all ..... but i hope you can help me ... i have been googleing a lot but did not find info.

kind regards from Walther in denmark

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