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Messages - cman59

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Weird twist of fate, Need your help
« on: September 22, 2015, 01:57:21 PM »
I meant miles, the bike has 6,700 miles not kilometers. And I don't think my model has a carb. How much does it cost to change the belts? And sorry not to sound ignorant.. but what are rollers?

How many miles do you guystill think I can get out of this 250? Of course with me changing the oil, gear oil ect. On time?

General Discussion / Weird twist of fate, Need your help
« on: September 22, 2015, 03:38:02 AM »
So I bought a 2010 Xciting 250cc about 16 months ago, it had 1,000 miles on it and I put another 1,000... So I sold it to a guy and it has 2,000 miles on it. well... in a weird twist of fate... I was looking for one recently and actually found my old one at a dealership!

it's the same bike, vin number and everything!

but the problem is... it now has 6,700 miles on it... so the guy who had it for a year has been driving the crap out of it.

What would you guys recommend me doing to get this bike running great again? Its not horrible... but idk how he treated it when it was out of my hands for the year or so.

When I first got it... I gave it a fresh oil change and also change out the Gear oil.

Please help me Kymco community.. and yes... Im keeping my 250cc for years to come hopefully

General Discussion / Re: Please help with this oil light..
« on: April 27, 2014, 10:45:46 PM »
It's a 2010 Xciting 250cc

General Discussion / Please help with this oil light..
« on: April 27, 2014, 06:55:10 AM »
So my service oil light came on today and I CANT get it off... I noticed on my 250 xciting that there is a button right underneath the "Service oil light" but the button is completely pushed in and it wont pop out... could this be why?

Please let me know guys

General Discussion / Re: Do you take any crap for riding a Scooter?
« on: April 15, 2014, 05:12:44 PM »
I was one of those "Macho Men" who had owned a 150cdc scooter for a couple years and wanted to upgrade to a Cruiser. I did.. I bought a Suzuki Boulevard 800cc and I DID NOT like it. I hated the fact that I didn't have storage and I wasent about to spend 300-400 on nice leather saddle bags.


I DONT like driving my bikes on the hwy. I love driving them around town, so I had to shift a lot more on my boulevard and just decided to sell it and I broke even, Then I bought me a 250cc and I like it a lot. I have more storage and I don't have to shift. Im 6'4'' and It became exhausting.

General Discussion / Questions about my 250 Xciting
« on: April 14, 2014, 05:50:47 AM »
Hey guy's.. as some may know.. I have a 2010 Kymco Xciting 250. and It has 1100 miles on it... I bought it at 1000 and I changed the Motor oil to Casterol GTX synthetic blend, and changed out the gear oil with vavoline 80 w I believe. here some questions..

1. Even before I changed all the fluids... sometimes when im driving I will hear a vibration noise in the engine, which It dosent shift weird or anything it just makes a noise. it's not constant, but every now and then. no knocking.

2. I was giving 2 sets of regular keyes and I also have 2 smaller keys that are kinda flat? on each side it says open and shut? what are these for?

3. When should I change my coolant? and how hard is it to DIY?

General Discussion / Re: Diffrence between transmission and gear oil?
« on: March 28, 2014, 01:44:22 PM »
Yeah I had put so mucc in there it was leaking out from the top; so i restarted the process all over again, I think I got in 6 ounces but probably less. I would rather have less than more. don't want that stuff running in my air box and ruining things.

General Discussion / Re: Diffrence between transmission and gear oil?
« on: March 27, 2014, 09:07:07 PM »
Hey I just changed it... but I have a question... I put so much in that the fluid was running out the top? is that too much? or should I just let a little out?

General Discussion / Re: Diffrence between transmission and gear oil?
« on: March 27, 2014, 06:41:38 AM »
Gear oil it is then

General Discussion / Re: Diffrence between transmission and gear oil?
« on: March 27, 2014, 05:58:47 AM »
Im more confused... So would it be ok to buy Casterol ATF to put in my scooter? do I buy automatic transmission fluid by caterol or vavoline to put in my scooter's transmission after I drain it? or should I buy the "Gear oil" to put in there?

General Discussion / Diffrence between transmission and gear oil?
« on: March 27, 2014, 03:22:28 AM »
Went to Autozone and was confused whenever I change my Tranny fluid... Do I buy Transmission fluid for cars to put in my 250 xciting? or the gear oil... Im confused on if there the same thing or not?

General Discussion / Re: What's your recommendation?
« on: March 25, 2014, 08:39:34 PM »
Thank you for sharing that stig, do you know where I could get the sae 90 fluid at? Im guessing if I cant get it at wal mart I maybe can try a motorcycle dealership?  I just want her to last a Long time.

General Discussion / What's your recommendation?
« on: March 25, 2014, 03:59:42 PM »
I have a 2010 Xciting 250cc with 1,020 miles on it... I dont think the original owner took care of it, so idk if he did the "first"service or not... I changed the motor oil which was pretty black. But now im wondering about the transmission fluid? When im at a stop sign and I give it gas the whole bike vibrates.. not sure if thats normal or not.

I called my local kymco dealer... and he wants to chage me $90 to change my transmission fluid. I'd rather do it myself if it isnt a hassle. When should I change it? And how hard is it?

General Discussion / Important Question to you guy's
« on: March 20, 2014, 06:46:00 AM »
So I have a 2010 Xciting 250cc with 1,008 miles on it.

The previous owner just changed her oil, But I dont thnk he changed the tranny fluid. My question is... with the miles I have on her already... I hear I should changed the transmission fluid immediately?  And if so... could I do this myself?

Changing the motor oil was easy... but I didnt know how difficult it was to change the tranny fluid. I just want to take care of her and make sure she's running in top shape.

General Discussion / Re: Hey guy's im a new Kymco Owner
« on: March 18, 2014, 07:38:24 AM »
Yeah I owned a Boulevard cruiser before the Xciting.  I've always heard good things about kymco... the only thing I havent seen is a 250cc xciting with alot of miles on it. But im optimistic :)

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