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Messages - pabfri5096

Pages: [1]
Super 8 150 / Re: At the end of the road...
« on: April 20, 2014, 04:03:06 AM »
Thanks for the information.  Greatly appreciated. Will keep you posted

Super 8 150 / Re: At the end of the road...
« on: April 20, 2014, 03:20:27 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions. I have emailed this post to Kymco and got a quick response back asking or VIN, dealer, and mileage. Then received the email that stated; " We have an internal “Tech Issue Monitoring Table” that we created to list pending issues and monitor corrective actions until a satisfactory solution has been reached.  We will add you to this list." Being add to a list doesnt feel me with hope for a quick turn around. Trying to stay positive though.  The dealership's mechanic withheld information when I picked it up the week prior to engine needing replaced.  This last time he said it ran out of oil, engine had no compression.  He then informed me my oil change was over do. I asked him why the oil wasn't checked and nothing mentioned when I picked it up? He said he noticed it was a little burnt but thought it would last. Last until when? They are the only ones yt? That work on my kymco.

Question, they said that parts of the engine were trashed and broken. Would you hear that happen? I was riding and it just started to lose acceleration until I stopped. I am going to a t teach the pics he Sent me.

Still looking into lemon law.

Super 8 150 / Re: Kymco Super 8 Battery Drain Problem
« on: April 19, 2014, 02:06:33 PM »
I know this is old post but, my 2013 super 8 150 seemed lime battery was not holding charge, not the case. The bike was pulling way to many amps when parked. These numbers aren't accurate just fir example should pull 0.5 amps parked mine was pulling 4amps. Had to have complete rewiring done.

Super 8 150 / Re: Exhaust came loose
« on: April 19, 2014, 01:49:22 PM »
Same thing happened to my 2013 super 8 150. Took my dealer 2 wks to get parts and it was covered under the warranty.

Super 8 150 / At the end of the road...
« on: April 16, 2014, 07:20:25 PM »
I have had nothing but trouble. 2013 kymco super 8 150. I have been at the dealer every month since purchase. 2Nd visit they kept the scooter for a month. I have had the entire electrical system replaced. The bike was pulling massive amps when parked battery never got charged. Would not start in morning if temp was below 50, I parked in a garage too. Then while riding to work the screws holding muffler on feel out and muffler then fell off.

This last time it died a few blocks from home wouldn't restart. I was told a cracked valve underneath the bike and wiring loose on starter. They had it for 3 weeks. I was told they could rig-it up so I could use it but it would spit out oil and dirt would get in engine.  I of course didn't ride it like that.

When I picked it up they said it was fine nothing else I needed to know. Week later almost to the day the engine is now ruined because all the oil ran out. When I took it back in of course my oil change was way over due. I was shocked thought I was current do to the fact I am in there monthly. The mechanic then told me he noticed the oil looked a little burnt but thought it would last. If I had that info when I picked it up I would have taken care of it that day. They did not give me the option.

I feel that both of us were at fault. I don't have the almost $1200 to fix it, I bought it to have cheap transportation now just expensive and not transportation.

Super 8 150 / Engine rebuild
« on: April 03, 2014, 07:36:35 PM »
Any ideas on cost of engine rebuild for kymco super 8 150 2013?

Super 8 150 / scooter ran out of oil.
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:08:11 PM »

New here. Own 2013 kymco super 8 150. I purchased it with 600 miles on it. Had it for a month and it wouldn't start, battery dead. I was told that fuse shook loose because i ride on a dirt road. A month to the day i got it back it did exavt same yhing. In shop for a month all electrical had to be redone because bike pulled 5amps while bike was off. Problems with it starting when temp below 50.

Left to go to store, started fine, went 1/2 mile, died wouldn't restart. Dealer had it 2 wks. I was told there was a broken valve on underside of engine
 They said i could rife it bit it would spit oil and dirt could get in engine. Neither of which sound good so they had it until fixed.

I picked it up on a Friday and a week and one day later i am going 60, then 50, 40, stopped on side of road. They said the last time i ran the oil out, no compression in engine. All the previous issues covered by warranty.  I was told nothing about oil and since "spitting oil" was mentioned, i thought oil would have been fixed prior to pick up.

Anyone have any suggest?  (Sorry about length)

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