Thanks for the suggestions. I have emailed this post to Kymco and got a quick response back asking or VIN, dealer, and mileage. Then received the email that stated; " We have an internal “Tech Issue Monitoring Table†that we created to list pending issues and monitor corrective actions until a satisfactory solution has been reached. We will add you to this list." Being add to a list doesnt feel me with hope for a quick turn around. Trying to stay positive though. The dealership's mechanic withheld information when I picked it up the week prior to engine needing replaced. This last time he said it ran out of oil, engine had no compression. He then informed me my oil change was over do. I asked him why the oil wasn't checked and nothing mentioned when I picked it up? He said he noticed it was a little burnt but thought it would last. Last until when? They are the only ones yt? That work on my kymco.
Question, they said that parts of the engine were trashed and broken. Would you hear that happen? I was riding and it just started to lose acceleration until I stopped. I am going to a t teach the pics he Sent me.
Still looking into lemon law.