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Messages - mitch

Pages: [1]
Downtown 300 / Re: downtown seat latch
« on: May 25, 2014, 08:08:18 AM »

I took the gas strut off of the bottom bracket to release and fully open the seat up so as I could take the pot (Under seat storage) out to see how easy it was as compared to other scoots and to have a look see at the engine etc.

When I finished I re-installed the pot then bolted the strut back onto the bottom bracket and tried to shut the seat.

The LHS latch was fine however the muffler side latch would not engage as the seat was slightly warping as I closed it down

I knew the seat had been fine before I took the strut off and so I knew the problem was down to me.

I thought it through and realised that I had bolted the bottom of the strut onto the wrong side of the bracket.

Although the difference in spacing was only a couple of mm or so it was sufficient to cause the seat to slightly warp when almost closed and this was the cause of my problem.

I undid the bottom bolt and nut from the bracket and transferred the bottom of the strut to other side of the bracket and all was then OK.

Downtown 300 / Re: Hello
« on: May 19, 2014, 06:40:59 AM »
Hi Howzitgaun.

Yes I know Barrhead having worked there from time to time.

I fitted the X-creen touring (Clear) as soon as I could after purchasing the DT as I found that the standard screen way too noisy and turbulent.

I knew it had made a huge difference to the standard screen on my Honda Swing 125 when I fitted one to that Scoot and so I presumed it would do the same on the DT however it was a matter of buying it, fitting it and then seeing how it performed.

I have fitted the X-creen with stage one connectors meaning that the spoiler can only be rotated forward and or back - I think there are four or five positions - I use position Nos 3 or 4 depending upon weather conditions (Rotating the spoiler forward towards front of DT).

I tried the full universal joint system (Up down / front back) but find that there is little or any improvement (could even be worse) at all compared to stage 1 which I also think is much better looking, streamlined and compact.

The Problem with after market screens and spoilers is that they are expensive and there is no way of knowing how effective they are until they are bought and fitted and then if no good it is too late.

I very much like the Givi Airflow screens - They are very effective, adjustable and really look good but unfortunately Givi do not seem to produce one for the DT at the present time.

Regarding the top box I fitted the standard Kymco DT base plate and initially used a black 32 litre Givi top box but found it to be a bit too small and I now have a Givi E470 Top box with white lid.

Technical | How To / Re: Tire Cupping??
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:33:01 PM »
Hi Stig.

My DT300 (2900 miles) has the standard Maxxis tyres and the rear tyre now has the exact same wear as evidenced in your photos.

The rear tyres on a number of my previous maxi scooters (different makes and engine sizes) went the same way.

Could be trait of CVT driven rear wheels.

Downtown 300 / Front Shocks
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:15:06 PM »

Since I bought my DT300i new at the beginning of the year I am constantly aware of a clunking noise coming from the forks on rough roads and bumps - It is very annoying and I am wondering if anyone else has this problem and if so what might be the problem / fix.

It would seem that upon rebound the forks are hitting their internal stops - It is not the calliper knocking.

Downtown 300 / Re: Engine Fault Code 01 - on LCD
« on: May 12, 2014, 08:23:50 AM »

I bought my DT in January this year and after a 1000 miles or so I noticed either the icon engine / error 01 or 10 code showing upon starting.

The code vanished after a few seconds.

I checked with Kymco UK technical department, via the dealership, and they said the codes were ABS fault codes and nothing to worry about as my DT is not equipped with ABS.

The dealer has been given a fix by Kymco and so I will taker her in sometime although I am wondering if the fix may give rise to other gremlins in the computer system.

Downtown 300 / Re: Wind noise?
« on: May 12, 2014, 08:16:57 AM »

I found the standard DT screen to be too noisy and turbulent for me.

I had a large Bike HPS X-creen spoiler on my Honda SW125, a year or so ago, and because it was very effective I decided to purchase one for the DT and fitted it to the top of the standard screen.

Once it was fitted I found, for me anyway, that it transformed the ride and enjoyment of my DT.

« on: May 12, 2014, 08:01:52 AM »

I bought my DT300 in the new year and covered off the first 1000 or so miles on the standard shock setting (3) and found the DT handled great generally.

I wondered if I might get a more pliant ride for longer motorway journeys and for general cruising on the softer setting (2).

One day, whilst out a run, I stopped and adjusted the shocks to (2) and as soon as I set off the DT handled terribly so much so I thought I had picked up a puncture as the DT felt lower at the back and handled as though the rear tyre was deflating.

I stopped and checked the tyre - it was OK so I drove a few more miles until I could not stand it any more, found somewhere safe to stop and adjusted the shocks back to (3) all was then well.

Next day I thought I would see what the DT handled like at setting (4) but assumed that the ride would be too hard bearing in mind the difference between setting (3) and (2).

Anyway before setting off I adjusted the shocks to (4) and within a mile or so I was very pleased with the result - So much so I have not changed the setting back to (3) and I find that setting (4) is vg for cruising / motorways and for fast sporty driving on the twisties and that the DT handles better in general and yet still compliant.

I am 14 stones - Around 15 Stones /210 pounds fully suited and booted.

Downtown 300 / Hello
« on: May 12, 2014, 07:36:37 AM »

I live in central Scotland and have just joined the Kymco forum.

I have owned many motorcycles and scooters over the years and when a friend of mine, who owns and runs a motorcycle dealership, took on a Kymco agency during 2013, I first came across the DT300i and really liked the look of it then read up on all the reviews and viewed all the you tube footage I could find.

I was unsure about a number of issues and was still a bit loathe to take the plunge however I took a test ride around town and quite liked it but felt the lack of leg room and lower seat might be a problem - I was used to Burger 650 / Burger 400 / T Max / X Max / Honda Silverwing / Honda SW125 and the like and I enjoyed the feet forward riding position.

During November 2013 I decided to try the DT again however the 300 demo my friend had was sold however I found a Kymco agent in Fife however they only had a 125 to road test.

The 125 performed very well indeed compared to the Yamaha Xmax 125 and Honda SW125 and I got used to the seating position but could not get used to the speedometer being in KPH however I decided to take the plunge and ordered a DT300 in late November.

My DT arrived late January 2014 and within days I was on the road since then I have covered off 2900 miles and love it also I was very surprised and pleased to find that the speedo on my DT was in MPH rather than KPH.

I fitted a 32 Litre top box and also a large X-creen spoiler as I found the standard DT screen to be too noisy and turbulent.

I would be interested to hear if there are any other members in or around central Scotland who would be interested in meeting up for a coffee / discuss the DT.

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