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Messages - uangalu

Pages: [1]
Downtown 300 / Re: New Seat available
« on: June 25, 2014, 10:19:50 AM »    The seat you plan to import is maybe modified compared to the "old" one. But there is a completely new seat available that looks like it gives more room to move in the seat.  I have bought a downtown 2014 second hand with the new seat. there is 5 weeks til I get to see/try my new downtown, but the main reasson for choosing the one I did was down to the better looking seat.

Downtown 300 / Re: Downtown seat - Change to K-XCT
« on: May 23, 2014, 10:38:28 PM »
There is a new seat to the downtown, you can se picture of the seat of my new downtown 2014 seat in this thread :

I have just bought the scooter used in denmark, first reg january 2014, and the dealer say it came with the new design seat.  I will first be able to test the seat in august since I'm working abroard.

Downtown 300 / Re: New Seat available
« on: May 15, 2014, 11:36:51 AM »
Hi I just bught a 2014 downtown today, have found that it is equiped with the updated seat, and I hope it is better than the "old" type of seat. I have no chance to test it until august due to my workplace. I'll post picture of the new type seat.

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