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Messages - Aplodontia

Pages: [1]
People 150 / Re: How accurate is your fuel gauge? <km vs miles?>
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:36:28 AM »
I just took a 70+ mile ride on my "new" 2006 to confirm whether or not it was registering KM as the odometer said. It was much to my surprise with a readout of 121 KM. FYI, the speedometer primarily reads in Miles. Weird.

I also saw the 1/4 tank reading drop to E in a hurry with many KM to get home. I made it and was able to get 1.5 gal in the tank to the top. The KM reading is puzzling and combined with the tiny tank means I'll be spending a lot more time doing metric conversions in my head rather than enjoying the scenery. Wondering if others with this have developed any tricks to avoid running out of fuel in the middle of nowhere which I alway seem to head towards?

Thanks, Dale

People 150 / Re: Clock Battery <Replacement?>
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:24:59 AM »
Just came across this old thread. My 2006 has a faint but still working clock. I thought the bike's battery was likely not charging adequately and didn't know the clock had it's own battery. I haven't seen anything showing how to get to it for replacement. Any pointers appreciated.

Thanks & Happy Father's Day.


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