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Messages - raz

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People 150 / need help with running problem
« on: June 10, 2015, 03:31:59 PM »
Last year I got a 2009 People 150.  It needed tires but seemed to run okay when I drove it on a test drive.  However, after maybe 10 short trips of 1 or 2 miles I noticed when I went to start it, it took a few seconds turning over before it started.  Also, I noticed when I stopped at an intersection it wanted to die.  Prior to that it started immediately when the start button was pushed.  Then a couple trips later I drove it to a store a mile away, went in the store and back out 10 minutes later, it wouldn't start at all; kept trying until the battery died, had to push it home.  Okay, so had it taken to a motorcycle dealer/repair shop that did work on Kymco scooters and explained what happened, then told them check everything and fix it.  Several days later I got a call it was done, picked it up.  Next day I started it but it took a few seconds to start again.  Then winter came, put the scooter away until this spring.  Got a new battery, went to start it and immediately started.  Great.  Drove it around maybe 20 or more minutes, turned it off.  Started it again about 10 minutes later, and I noticed it was back to taking several seconds of pushing the button before it started.  Sounds like my initial problem I had last year.  After some days of short trips still with the 3-5 seconds to start it, I stopped for a stop sign and it died.  Hardly could re-start it.  I took out the spark plug and it was fouled pretty bad (wet), so I cleaned the plug and it started okay.  Nothing has changed yet and it still takes long to start and wants to die when stopped.  I did notice that if the scooter stands for maybe three days without starting and then I start it, it starts immediately with the push of the button.  Sorry about the long description but I really don't know where to look and I sure don't want to take it back to the dealer/repair place.  Any help appreciated.

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