« on: October 26, 2014, 11:47:29 AM »
ORRRR.....He could have ended up on a 50cc scooter. Can't go after a guy for doing what he is paid/trained to do. Most cops believe they are superhero's when they first start. I believe that we all thought that when we first started something new. Very few of us were "seasoned" starters. Also...you need to take into consideration this guys recent past. He was probably in a place where he trusted no one and everyone was there to hurt him. He may also be taking out some stored up aggression. This too shall pass. For the exact reason that Zombie stated. Community acceptance. Do some of the "boys" remain idiots for their entire career? Of course they do! But these are the guys that usually get shuffled around a lot to take heat off of their superiors. As far as the " judgment calls" some are/some are not. Believe it or not, the DUI's are an easier judgment call than the rest.
As for the jist of some of the other comments about donating time and goods, I must say this. And let me add that I am not a huge political fanatic in any way. Donating our time, money etc....is a beautiful thing and I have no doubt that most of use who are active in this post do. But why is it different if it is something offered for "free" by the government. If they do it, it's them spending "our" money and only giving it to those who don't need it. If we do it, everything is perfect and the system should be adjusted to fit that particular person or situation.
As far as the priest and kids story....don't get me started. I investigated a horrible case of sexual abuse by a priest. It cost seven young men in my small community their lives due to suicide. Is he in prison....NO!.... He is now in a smaller church somewhere out west.
Also, I visited the Vatican a few years back while in Italy. My description of it is basically a religious Disneyland. Money, money, money. Lines to get in. Lines to get out. Gift shops....Ugh!!! You can actually pay someone to stand on line for you while waiting hours to get inside. Is it beautiful? Unbelievable.