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Super 8 150 / Re: No hands ? (Not that you'd really want to)
« on: April 03, 2016, 06:03:41 AM »
Good thing I didn't ask about pulling a wheelie too ;)

I guess my question came from more of a basis of the idea that if you can't go no hands is there something wrong with the wheel alignment or forks.

Going one handed is enough hand removal for my liking, and predominantly when I'm at a red light or waving to a pretty girl.  ;)


Super 8 150 / No hands ? (Not that you'd really want to)
« on: March 30, 2016, 11:20:01 PM »
G'day there people.

Question for other Super 8 Owners, are you able to go no hands on your scoot ?

If I do on mine I get crazy bar wobble and have to go hands on within a second.

If you can go no hands what should I look for to fix my scoot ? Wheel balance, forks, sanity ?


I made up a quick rubber cover for the new Solenoid with Gaffa Tape and pieces of an old inner tube.

I've secured it with rubber covered wire to hold it in place.

This should keep things clean and me out of trouble if I need to fiddle around the carbie or what have you.


Good idea.

I might put it into a rubber boot like the connectors.

I did that on a car battery many years ago when I was loosening the positive terminal and grounded on the body work. My arm got a nice zap ! ;)


Thanks for the update & solution.  Cool pictures.

You might want to use electrical tape on both positive connections to prevent a short or accidentally touch them with a wrench while performing maintenance.

Alrighty, I fixed my starter problem and I've made a mod that is ridiculously over kill but I didn't want to risk a standard part failing again.

I've installed a UniPoint Solenoid designed for a car and a mount to fit it.

I also had to fabricate a controller from one of the failed units so I could connect up the UniPoint unit.

Would I suggest that anyone else does this ? ..... um... no :) but it worked for me !

Lessons learnt:

The whole reason I had starter solenoid problems was because the ground wire from the starter motor was not grounding properly and/or the connecting nuts used on the Kymco starter replacements I used were over tightened causing the the connectors on the inside to weld themselves.

I didn't stop the lock nuts from moving when installing the replacement unit's and it's possible that they were over tightened.

All I'm sure of is that the new system works and I've learnt from my errors and more about my Scoot, and that can't be a bad thing (Frustrating maybe though).

(The first image shows a modified Starter Solenoid with two different terminating threads. It wasn't shipped that way)


I'll definitely check that out ! thanks for the heads up. Sounds like you could be onto a winner there. :)

Something to check.......I had a scoot that did the same thing. And all it was is theres a rubber seal that was worn out wear the starter motor gos and was make contact with metal and made it stay on 0nce I started the scoot.
it shorts out the gounnd. and also check out the wireing that gos to the starter moter if the rubber on the wireing is touching metal that may do it to.    just check it out the funniest things happen.

I checked with local dealers and only one out of 4 even bothered to respond to an email. They wanted $40 for something that costs $5 on eBay. Buying spares here in Tasmania is a joke. I have to beg people to take my money and not just once, you have to beg them on multiple occasions !

I'll be interested to see how the new Starter Solenoid works when it arrives in the next couple of days.

Always check with an online or local dealer to compare costs.  Sometimes the dealer price is crazy high so then its back to ebay and "it should work"... 

By the way if it does work / fit  etc post the information in the forum so people know exactly what to order and the cost.

I thought it could be too, so I tested the switch and it is definitely not sticking.


Starter button could be sticking closed.

Thanks for the reply.

I've ordered a heavy duty starter solenoid on eBay. I'll see what that does instead.

I'm tired of "It should work, it looks the same as the original" kinda problems.



This also happened to me, and I got a Chinese solenoid, but it did not last long. I put in an original kymco, and it has been fine since. Battery compartment is now kept open so I can quickly unscrew a battery terminal wire if need be.

 Sent from my Samsung Note 3 with Tapatalk

Opening up both the failed starter solenoids I found they had arced shut so the circuit was completing across the starter motor.

I read someone in the forums saying that the ground wire off the starter motor should be checked. If there isn't a solid connection the ground has nowhere to go so the plates inside the solenoid take a hit and weld open.

I hadn't done that before but now I'm waiting for a new starter from Malaysia.

The Scoot runs fine otherwise.

I did try a big on off switch connected to the two terminals just to see if I could run the scooter that way but the household wiring I used got really hot, and too hot for real use so I pulled it all apart again.

Besides I'd have to mount the switch somewhere out of the way but accessible enough to use practically.

Anyway, thought I should mention the arced out contacts inside the solenoids and the check the ground tap off the starter motor (Filed it down for a better connection)


G'day there,

I have a Kymco Super 8 125 and there's a problem with the starter motor running after I've shut off power.

I've replaced the starter relay/solenoid twice now as I assumed the contact points had fused.

I just got another brand new starter solenoid/relay and it's done it again.

Shut the key off for power and the starter keeps running.

It's not the starter button because I can remove the 2 prong clip and it makes no difference.

My multimeter shows a distinct on and off with the switch measuring at the connector near the solenoid/relay when I detach the clip.

I'm lost as to why this is happening or how to fix it which means I can't ride my commuter.

Any ideas ?

I'm feeling like wheeling my scoot off a cliff right now !



Super 8 150 / Re: Getting new tires for the Supe!
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:58:24 PM »
I'm running a Pirelli 120/70 14 on the rear of my Super 8 without a problem. Tyre model ST66.

Super 8 150 / Re: Missing Seat Latch - Super 8 125
« on: July 27, 2014, 02:53:26 PM »
.....oh and by the way when I say "free" I actually mean I'm happy to pay eleventy million dollars for one ;)


Super 8 150 / Re: Missing Seat Latch - Super 8 125
« on: July 27, 2014, 07:31:00 AM »
Thanks for the reply.

I bought the Super 8 125cc here in Tasmania as a part only - project bike.

I'm rebuilding the engine and replacing parts as needed.

The original owner/s must have removed it and lost it ?

Hopefully some kind soul on the internet will say,

 "I have one of those, in fact I've been waiting for someone to say they needed one so I could send it to them free of charge"

Here's hoping ;)


Super 8 150 / Missing Seat Latch - Super 8 125
« on: July 26, 2014, 11:54:47 PM »

I'm missing the Seat Latch on my Super 8 125.

I can't find it as a part listing.

Any clues where I could get one on the planet Earth ?

NOTE: Aliens please use English to reply in the forum and not telepathy.



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