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Messages - mike_d

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: New Tires - brand/size?
« on: September 07, 2009, 01:09:35 AM »
I am curious about this as well as i have a People 150 but it takes the same size tires.  I have the stockers on there now but need to get something else and i am having a hard time finding anything other than the Cheng Shin's.   I found a Pirelli but cannot get them in a matching set.

Technical | How To / Re: People 150 starting problem
« on: September 05, 2009, 01:35:11 PM »
Well i took my scooter in to the shop and it was a very dirty carb that was causing all of my problems.  All is well now.  ;D

Technical | How To / Re: People 150 starting problem
« on: August 21, 2009, 05:52:42 PM »
Sounds similar to an issue I've been having with my People 50, after a lot of headache I believe I've narrowed down my issue to the Ignition coil. I'm looking to replace mine but it's another issue tracking one down. Also you may just need to clean out the carburator. I'd suggest taking it apart and giving it a real good cleaning. Seafoam is good for maintenance and upkeep but you may just need to really get in there and clean it.

Hopefully that helps.

Yeah that's what i was thinking too.  :(  I guess that will be a good winter project and hopefully i can get it back in there the right way and won't have any "extra" parts.  :o

Technical | How To / People 150 starting problem
« on: August 19, 2009, 12:51:04 PM »
Okay guys and gals i have a 2002 Kymco People 150 with about 3000km.  Everyday i have a lot of issue trying to start this thing.  If you try and give it any thottle it absolutely will not even attempt to fire.  So i just have to keep trying to start and eventually it will after about 30 tries and then it will die a couple of time and then all over again.  Once the scoot has started and is running it will be fine for the rest of the day, driving is great idle is great.  No problems even when i stop for a couple of hours.  It's just when it sits overnight or for 6+ hours.  I have changed the spark plug, battery, oil and ran a can of seafoam through a few tanks of gas with no luck.  Any ideas?

People 150 / Re: Roller Question
« on: July 26, 2009, 10:09:04 PM »
14g seems kind of heavy but maybe not for a 250cc.

People 150 / Roller Question
« on: July 26, 2009, 09:54:41 PM »
Does anyone know what size and weight rollers come stock on the p150?  I would like some heavier ones to get a little more top end.

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