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Messages - alibigley

Pages: [1]
Thanks again - I'll let him know. He's got a  friend who's an airplane mechanic coming over tomorrow so I'm hoping it'll be resolved this weekend. The weather's way too nice not to get to use my scooter!

No doubt the attitude sucks at this point  - after a lot of frustration and nobody around who knows the machine! He's worked on bikes for a lot of years (wrenching makes him cranky but he still insists on doing it) and this one's got him stuck.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Hi - we called the Kymco place, talked to a mechanic, and they suggested we do an online search for an answer (sometimes I wish we had bought a HONDA!!!)

Any ideas what the issue could be?

SORRY - this is what happens when the wife types out the message - it's a 150, not a 250 as it used to say in the subject line.

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