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Messages - ametisti7

Pages: [1]
Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2-stroke modding
« on: March 22, 2015, 06:43:55 PM »
yep not quite sure yet about the top speeds, its less than 0 celcius here and there aren't flats long enough. we'll see  ;D

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2-stroke modding
« on: March 22, 2015, 04:09:27 PM »

updated my signature  ;D
not sure if i should change spring/sliders/clutch/jet, what ya thinkin'?

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2-stroke modding
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:51:20 PM »
well, the difference is so great i'm astonished. It accelerates like a fking lighting bolt and will do over 40 mph on flats. Hills are no threat even when driving with a passenger. I dont feel like doing anything more cuz it moves so well now.

Who am i kidding, if you have some ideas i might try them out.

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2-stroke modding
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:06:16 PM »
yeah i'll post the results when i get the pipe
gahh cant wait  ;D

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2-stroke modding
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:28:03 PM »
This is just from my experience, there a few here that work and own garages that can correct me or guide you better.

Malossi Purprle Contra Spring

8 Gm Dr Pulley Sliders (I use 7 Gm and like them but 7 Gm could be causing the bike to rev too much and I probably wouldn't know). I do a lot of hills here in Connecticut.

85 main jet - higher is suggested if removing airbox snorkel but Im using the #85  and plan on removing the head soon to inspect the piston once I locate a head gasket to see if Im doing any harm to the piston. Looking in the spark plug hole with a flashlight I see the top of the piston is all black and sooty with a small white spot in the middle. I dont know if Im too rich or too lean. Right now Im having trouble finding a simple head gasket in the USA. Racingplanet has them but last time took over a month to get a simple part.

Id like to upgrade my clutch springs and not sure what to get my self.

Remove the brass cap and get that idle air adjuster screw slotted or use a D-socket so you can fine tune the carb.

alrighty but what exactly is the brass cap? dont want to ruin my carb fot not knowing

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2-stroke modding
« on: March 15, 2015, 11:56:58 AM »
Are you going to remove the restriction from the pipe ?

of course  ;D

Super 8 / super 8 50 2-stroke modding
« on: March 15, 2015, 11:25:32 AM »
just ordered the Naraku Traffic exhaust and it should get here in a couple days. anyone who has some experience with this pipe, what size main jet, rollers, contra spring, clutch springs?

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 12, 2015, 09:08:45 PM »
7gr slider w/ purple spring will most likely rev too high for a stock ish engine.

alright so what setup of contra spring and rollers/slider would be good for my stuffs? and how exactly do i fiddle with the idle screws? sorry for so many questions but i'm just so keen on getting it to work properly  ;D

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 12, 2015, 08:37:07 PM »
Theres your problem, you have an exhaust leak. You have to get something welded in, like a bolt or washer plate. If it's leaking all you did is decrease your performance and possibly cause a lean condition. There is NO sealer that works on exhaust, only welding. Don't try anything else until you fix this, you'll be chasing your tail around forever when the real problem is an exhaust leak. Take it too a machine shop and it shouldnt be much more than $30 to get them to totally weld it shut.

yeah probably gonna take it to my dad's workshop and seal it there. and i also installed the size 86 main jet. last thing i was wondering is that it accelerates pretty well now, so what will the purple spring and 7g rollers do to acceleration and speed?

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:56:57 PM »
I thought 7gm sliders would be too light and said "given them a try what the heck" but they seemed to work ok with my setup and no decrease in top speed until cold weather set in for some reason.

Once it got cold 50 deg or so, the scooter lost a couple MPH.

What exact spring did you use ? What color- still using the white ? It it highly advised on here to use the purple spring.

Did you cut a slot in the idle air screw to tune the carb ? That can also play a small part in performance.

How did you block the cancer pipe? Pictures please and I think you mean blind pipe. I assume instead of a cut and weld you put something inside to block it like rounded sheet metal or a sock.

my spring was the least stiff Malossi spring, the white one, and it only decreased my top speed and acceleration. today it changed it back to the stock spring.

what does cutting a slot mean? like loosening it a bit or something else?

cant send pics right now but i rammed a screw there from the inside and put some sealing cream, but it didn't seem to block it completely.

im just wondering how would the purple spring do any better? the white one didnt help at all and it's damn more loose. some next level sh** lmao

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:44:59 AM »
okay then it isn't restricted. i'm still wondering that when i installed the new spring it decreased my top speed and acceleration a little. Does it get better over time (the spring getting more loose) or do i need to increase engine power?

and also would this setup work on my 2014 version?
2013 Super 8 50cc 2T Mfg'd 2012
Stock pipe derestriction
Smooth Boss
7gm DR Pulley Sliders
#85 Jet
#Purple Malossi Contra Spring
Stock variator and clutch
42 MPH on the flats
(taken from Chris0381's signature)

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:38:16 AM »
Just the part that goes nowhere, it reduces power. Other than that the exhaust itself is a restriction, if you get an aftermarket pipe it'll boost up power a little.

okay thanks. unfortunately my dad doesn't allow me buying a better exhaust pipe, he thinks it will go too fast  ;D
and finally, is the cdi box made so that it restricts the engine's rpm?

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:35:26 PM »
Yeah I would start at 85 and go from there. De restricted without the snorkel removed is a #82 main jet, the snorkel restricts the airflow a ton so you will need to be higher than #85

alright thanks a ton bro. just if you know are there any more restrictions in the pipe, and where exactly?

Super 8 / Re: super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:24:00 PM »
If you took the snorkel out of the airbox it will most likely need a larger than 80 main jet.

Alright something like 86 with the smaller cancer pipe blocked?

Super 8 / super 8 50 2T derestriction
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:13:56 PM »
Hello guys,

so I bought this scooter last September. So far i have added a smooth boss, 5.5g rollers and a white Malossi contra spring. I also increased the main jet size from 70 to 80, removed the restriction from the air cleaner and blocked the bigger cancer pipe from the exhaust pipe. Tomorrow probably going to block the smaller one. Anything else i could do to make this thing go faster and accelerate better? Oh almost forgot - its last year's model.

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