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Messages - nickybee123

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zx50 / Re: How to derestrict the Kymco ZX50 Super Fever 2 stroke
« on: August 29, 2009, 03:06:08 AM »
hey that's not a bad idea...would that be easier than wiring in a switch ??
I mean doing the switch is pretty easy...

zx50 / Re: How to derestrict the Kymco ZX50 Super Fever 2 stroke
« on: August 28, 2009, 04:22:29 PM »
fyi - scooter went to inspection in croatia today - they wired it up to the machine that measures max speed (nobody was on the bike just the bikes own weight pushing the rear tire down)...

it registered 56km/h (35mph) which is pretty much inline with what people are reporting without doing the CDI de-restriction...

I'm looking forward to the next time I see this bike (bike is in Croatia - I am in Los Angeles)

all I gotta decide now is if I bring in aftermarket variator, pipe and rollers also...

(those would be a bit more of a pain to turn on/off with a switch ;))


zx50 / Re: How to derestrict the Kymco ZX50 Super Fever 2 stroke
« on: August 27, 2009, 05:06:13 AM »
hmm - I think I'm gonna get an aircraft toggle switch safety cover so that the switch doesn't get bumped when I drop two half helmets into the box...

don't much care about the LED since nobody will see it...

trouble is nobody seems to sell those safety switch covers in single packs - they're all 4 or 8 packs on ebay (same for the SPDT switches) - I'm gonna go check a friendly mechanic ;)


zx50 / Re: How to derestrict the Kymco ZX50 Super Fever 2 stroke
« on: August 27, 2009, 04:48:04 AM »

the above image is SPDT (single pole double throw) but in order to have it as an on off switch you would have to connect the dark green (uncut) to one of the contacts and then cut the light green wire and connect the two pieces to the other two contacts...

that could be pretty cool - I'm too lazy to route the wiring up to the handlebars for a real "Turbo boost" so instead I'll just put a switch into the bottom of the underseat carriage...

does anyone know if these wires perchance carry 12V - that way we could get a nice LED on the switch also...


zx50 / Re: How to derestrict the Kymco ZX50 Super Fever 2 stroke
« on: August 26, 2009, 11:12:27 PM »
good idea - I have a bunch of those somewhere in the garage...I don't know how anal they are about testing stuff - I have a feeling they just rev the scooter up on one of those monitored roller thingies they use for cars -  and check what the max speed is...

I don't think they're actually measuring power output etc...

I thought it would be cool to have it in a secret "turbo" switch - but yeah the splicing thing will be fine.

How heavy are you if you don't mind me asking?

44mph would be more than fine for kicking around the island of Losinj in Croatia (where the scooter gets to live ;)).

I weigh 220 and when I add my girlfriend on there aswell - it's 300 lbs+ - so if we stop on a hill it just groans ;)

I'm sure the CDI splice will have a positive effect - I just wonder whether I should go for

(a) Lighter rollers (for more low end acceleration - or rather earlier "gear" change)
(b) Performance variator (for overall better acceleration/top speed)
(c) Performance pipe

or something else...

what I like about the CDI splice is that it's easy to take off before inspections - the other stuff gets kind of messy - I've never actually taken off the variator because I don't have an impact wrench...but I've seen it done and it doesn't look that bad...

zx50 / Re: How to derestrict the Kymco ZX50 Super Fever 2 stroke
« on: August 26, 2009, 04:23:26 AM »
that's retardedly fast...I dunno if I would trust the stock brakes...they seem kinda crappy even at 65kmh - not to mention mph ;)

however I'm glad you finally pointed out that I have to take out the seat well. After some (slightly) more careful skimming of the service manual I think I found the relevant page for that anyway - not sure how I missed it the first time.

Will do that in a few months when I'm next in croatia - anyone found a suitable switch for this - so I could turn it on and off - given that it's just a mechanical circuit breaker it can't be a very complicated switch...

hmm -just looked and it seems like it's kind of a pain to do correctly via a standard switch...e..g something like these -

does the light green wire have to be spliced into the dark green or can it just be cut ??

If it can just be cut that's easy because it means a SPST switch on the light green wire will do the job of turning the de-restrict on the CDI on and off...

but if it has to be spliced then I guess I just have to manually Un-splice it once a year before the inspection

I'm thinking I will just do the CDI first - then the variator - then a pipe and after that if I'm still not happy I can do BBK etc...

What weight rollers are you using btw - (do you happen to know what the stock ones are - I weigh 220 and I wanted to get some lighter ones)


zx50 / newbie de-restrict question ;)
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:39:55 AM »
I got a weird issue I wanted to ask some advice on - I got my parents a 2007 Kymco ZX-50 (I assume it's the Super Fever though it wasn't marketed as such in Croatia - it looks like the Super Fever I see on google images though)...anyway I bought the thing as a present for my dad to use and he loves it - but when go to croatia for the summer I think it's slow as a snail....I keep reading about how it can be tweaked easily so I wanted to enquire about this (btw my own scooter - in California - is an SR-50 Ditech with performance pipe and lighter rollers/tighter contra spring)

Anyway - the boss drive has been replaced but other than that - that's it - the dealer says no CDI de-restriction is needed on this bike - I printed out the pages I found through this forum describing the light green wire etc etc etc...but he said "not needed on this bike"

I think he's a bit clueless...

So I tried to find the CDI (download that english service manual from the italian site) and the thing is I dunno what I'm looking at...I opened the battery compartment and took out the scooter battery and I found a few things connected in there - but I really don't know what I'm looking for - anybody got a picture of ths stock CDI with a shot of the green wire...

hopefully the picture will allow me to complete this exercise myself

That aside I think I need way lighter rollers (scooter is a dog from a standstill now) - and possibly aftermarket variator/pipe..

Is the pipe worth it ?? variator I can get for $38 or so including shipping.

If I do put in a performance variator how much will that add - like 3mph  top speed and that's it ?

As to the CDI -destriction - has anyone done it with an inline switch (just wanting to make when the yearly road test happens (they test scooters for modifications here) I can turn off the CDI derestrict...

Thanks guys


The first one is the variator.  I purchased a complete race variator kit (weights, ramp plate and face plate) from VT Cycles for around $60.  I never tried to just replace the boss drive and leave the stock weights to see what happens.  The bike might not move right with a derestricted boss drive and stock weights, I'm not sure.  It did work on the People model though so who knows.  So after the variator is replaced, the next restriction is the CDI.  You cut the light green wire comming out of the CDI unit and splice it into the dark green wire comming out, thats it.  The results went like this.  Bone stock = 30mph, CDI modification = 37mph, aftermarket variator = 50mph.

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