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Messages - tc34

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: miler/grand dink
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:24:04 AM »
thanks for you replies and help guys :)

General Discussion / Re: miler/grand dink
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:20:51 AM »
Hi tc34
I also have the 'Miler 125'. 
I'm located in the U.K. and have found the following supplier: -

Copy and paste this web link to find out what they can supply: -

Good luck with your 'Miler' projects. 
i have used wemoto to but i find they only sell parts like cables and drive belts etc

General Discussion / Re: miler/grand dink
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:18:20 AM »
Upload a pic of the engine and we'll be able to tell. Most important is if it's air or water cooled. If it's air cooled the engine will most likely take gy6 variator pars. In America we didn't get the "dink" 125. If your bike is water-cooled it may be very hard to track cvt parts, the only bike close is the bet and win 150, very unique water cooled engine. Post a pic of the variator side and exhaust side.

it is water cooled  and i will upload pics when i got the time
thanks again

General Discussion / Re: miler/grand dink
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:24:56 PM »
mine is the miler but im sure the grand dink 300 is the same size frame
anyway i will try although im in the UK so probably cost me a lot in shipping.

General Discussion / miler/grand dink
« on: May 11, 2015, 02:50:18 PM »
i have a miler 125 2005 and on the user hand book its also called grand dink ,
so i assumed they are the same model just different names
anyway i cant seem to get aftermarket spares ie. exhaust ,variator for the miler but can be ordered for the grand dink,
so i thought i would treat myself to a j costa variator,
i emailed the company asking if the variator would fit my miler as its supposed to be the same model as the grand dink,
but all i get is sorry it wont fit your scooter
and that was the same with performance exhausts too.
hmm seems like i have a scoot that i cant get parts for..
i'm on the verge of giving up on my miler :-\

does anyone have any views on this??

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