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Messages - ezrae

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: roller weights
« on: January 21, 2011, 09:31:07 PM »
I had the same problem with my People 50 in the 10-20mph range.  I replaced the clutch springs with a red (2000rpm) contra spring, and yellow (1500rpm) little springs.  This is what was already in there (presumably installed by the previous owner), so it seemed to be a good place to start.  The old springs were noticeably compressed compared to the new ones.

My scooter now accelerates very smoothly without power loss between 10-20mph, but I lost about 5mph off my top speed.  I have 7gm roller weights in my variator right now, and at some point I'll be experimenting with different ones to see if I can gain back some speed.

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 - CDI restricted?
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:42:41 PM »
I had problems with my clutch slipping and studdering, so that's why I adjusted it.  It already had a red big spring and yellow little spring installed, which I posted about in the People 50 forum - it doesn't seem likely to be stock.  I replaced them with new springs of the same colors before putting the clutch back together.  If I understand how the clutch springs work correctly, with this combo of springs, the clutch shouldn't engage until 1500RPM's.

With the new springs (and a good cleaning), my clutch no longer slips and studders, but I'm still not seeing speed/performance that I had with my other People 50.  I can hear the engine revving higher than it did before I changed springs though.  Next I'm going to adjust the variator rollers again to see if that helps - I'm planning on trying out the stock 8.5 gram rollers again with the new clutch springs to see if there's a difference.

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 - CDI restricted?
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:25:37 PM »
Hi Todd!

The CDI that is in my scooter didn't match the one in the photo that was posted.  I googled the number printed on the side and discovered that it is already derestricted.  If I can find the number again without tearing apart the scoot I'll post them here.

I'm also not getting the performance I expect from this scooter (it's my second 2009 people 50).  I've recently replaced the clutch springs (red big spring and yellow little springs, both brand new)and variator rollers (7 gram), but I haven't found an optimum configuration for those (suggestions welcome!) yet either.

People 50 / Re: Clutch springs for People 50 2t
« on: January 03, 2011, 09:41:32 PM »
Cool, thanks!

Do you know what the stock springs should be?  I've found lots of places to buy "stock" parts, but they don't list the RPM ratings for the large and small springs..  Should I assume 1000RPMs for stock or no?

People 50 / Clutch springs for People 50 2t
« on: December 22, 2010, 03:43:08 AM »
Does anyone know what the stock clutch springs in the People 50 2t are?  Mine has a red torque (big) spring and yellow clutch (little) springs..  Is that stock or did someone upgrade it already (I bought it used)?

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 - CDI restricted?
« on: October 18, 2010, 05:09:31 AM »
Did ya buy it new, ezrae, or is it possible someone put a different CDI in it?

I bought it used, but the CDI is definitely stock.  I checked the part number (30400-KFA6-9000) with the parts manual.

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 - CDI restricted?
« on: October 18, 2010, 05:05:56 AM » like the cdi...hmmmm...

Yeah, I kinda figured that.  So what's up with the green wire?  It won't start if I disconnect it, so what else can I do?

Technical | How To / Re: People 50 - CDI restricted?
« on: October 18, 2010, 04:48:15 AM »
It's a 2 stroke.  The boss is derestricted.  I can't go more than 45 on a downhill, no matter how I try.  I can't hit more than 35 if I'm lucky going uphill and I'm only 145lbs.  

I have a friend with a brand new People 50, derestricted by the dealer, and he leaves me in his dust both up and down hill.

Technical | How To / People 50 - CDI restricted?
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:29:52 AM »
Hi!  I have a 2009 People 50 and I'm trying to figure out if the CDI is actually derestricted.

When I pull the green wire out of the CDI the scooter won't start.  There's no other disconnected green wires laying around and there's only one green wire in the CDI.

Any ideas?

People 50 / Clock on the People 50
« on: August 30, 2009, 10:45:09 PM »
I brought home a new People 50 this weekend and the clock is working, but it's 2 hours off.  The Owner's Manual does not have instructions for setting the clock.  Nothing happens when I push either button.  I've tried holding down the buttons for a few seconds one at a time, and both at the same time but nothing happens when I do that either.

Does anyone know what is happening?  Is my clock broken or am I doing something wrong?


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