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Messages - SHAQ

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So....Situation sorted now.

I started at the basics...fuel and air.

Checked air filter as first point, was full of dust and sand....ran it without the filter and still abit sluggish but better. Then further examination, I saw further down the intake pipe was block. Removed the blocked, installed new filter...runs like new :)

Thanks for the replies. going to have a carb clean today I think, yesterday the problem was more frequent. At the moment I think the start switch is ok, but will check also. Thanks, will let you know how it goes.

Also, is the People S 125 not very popular? No forum category for it here and hardly any info/vids on search engines or you tube.


Hi everyone,

New to this forum since buying a KYMCO People S 125 last week. I've been around, raced and worked on bikes, have knowledge in mechanics and electrics, but needing help with this. Cheers.

Here's the issues:

Sometimes the bike wont start fist time with the electric start, meaning I have to kick start it, and still takes a few goes sometimes....but sometimes it also starts with no issues.

2: When on the stand, or riding, it feels like some kind of blockage is preventing a nice smooth increase in revs/acceleration. Sometimes it takes what feels like forever to get above 40kmh. It feels, sluggish, 'spluttery' and the same when going up hills.

3: When pulling away from the standstill, it judders and hesitates a little. Again, not every time but most times.

I say it feels like a blockage because when I'm cruising at around 50/60kmh, sometimes it suddenly 'stutters' a few times, dropping down to about 40/45kmh, then splutters and picks up again.

Are any of these issues related? Not so bothered about the start at the moment, as long as it does start....could be the battery but it could also be issues with fuel/air and or compression.

Not too much knowledge on 125s tho so any help is appreciated.

I am posting on here first, as its 40 degs.C outside and don't want to be out taking it apart in the heat if I don't need to ;)

Maybe I can clean the fuel and air filters and check no blockage is there? I know this is a sensitive area for 125s so don't want to make it worse.

Thanks in advance:)

General Discussion / Re: kymco people s 125 engine change
« on: July 28, 2015, 08:54:04 AM »

Have you considered a restriction kit?
Cheaper and less hassle than an engine change.

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