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Messages - stepheva

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Re: Spark knock?
« on: September 22, 2009, 03:03:05 AM »
Actually figured it out; crank bearings. 

Technical | How To / Spark knock?
« on: September 19, 2009, 03:22:18 AM »
Hey guys.  I've sorted out most of my other issues with the B&W150, but i'm still having one.  When accelerating, going up hills or riding 2 up, I get an annoying knocking sound from the motor.  My gut is thinking this is spark knock.  I have an NGKDP7EA9 in it right now, and I'm going to try running one plug colder and maybe upjetting.  Anyone else getting this knock on acceleration, etc?

Technical | How To / Re: B&W 150 starting issue
« on: September 13, 2009, 03:07:35 AM »
Well, I'm still stumped.  The carb is clean, the a/f screw is open 2 1/8 turns, idles at 1800 when warm.  Doesn't appear to be any leaks anywhere.  Just doesn't start and idle right with the bystarter.  Once it's closed, runs like a champ.  I dunno.  Any more ideas?  Thanks for any and all help to those who reply.

Technical | How To / B&W 150 starting issue
« on: September 11, 2009, 01:06:09 AM »
Good day all,

My first post!  I'd like to say that I just got a Kymco B&W 150 today, used. It has 3100km on it, and I paid $1K cdn.  It has some small cosmetic issues due to being damaged in shipping, but runs very well once warm.  I'm not new to scooters, I have had over 20. But this is my first Kymco. My issue is that when it's cold and I start it, it idles all over the place....high, low, sometimes cuts out entirely.  When it's warm, it runs like buttah, but I'm stumped.  I've checked over the bystarter, and it seems to be opening fully, and retracting.  Anyone else have a similar issue?  Thanks

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