When I was messing with my tail light bulb this w/e I thought one of the 2 filaments was burned out. So, I went to the manual to see what kind it was.
'Tis a 12v5W/12v21W bulb with off-set pins
I think this is a hard to find bulb on local autoparts shelves. Found some Chinese bulbs on eBay at goofy prices for Saabs...Did some cross checking and found a GE bulb that should fit my scooter. Ordered a pair on eBay for $8.
It turns out my bulb was fine --- but lesson learned. This bulb might be a hard find -so will put a spare in my tool box.
GE P21/5WNH/BP2 Nighthawk
My fav. parts dealer said, "Call for prices." Spooky.