Never really understood why you don't brake in a corner while on
'forked" front wheels - but is less of a risk if you are on a Vespa with that one-side mounted front wheel. I have read this in several places over the past few months.
Nevertheless, linked brakes are listed as though they were a bonus feature on some scoots.
But, while I seem to have everybodies attention - this would be a good time to revisit "The Myth Of Counter Steering".....
wait, wait, give me a minute to get some chips & dip.
OK. Have at it!
Just joking....
All of the replies here have been appreciated - and some have even been educational!
(so, the next time I see a sand pile coming at me in a corner - I will give it the beans and lean over and keep staring at my rear tire in order to see what happens when I play with each brake lever!)
Speed gets a lot of folks in trouble.....I think all the rest of the trouble comes at us on 4 wheels.
Hopefully, darn few of us are at risk because of poor maintenance of our scoots.