Author Topic: The Banks/ Zombie  (Read 2097 times)


  • 09' Peoples 200, NJ
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The Banks/ Zombie
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:11:15 PM »
I once said in another forum that the housing crash in the US was in large part the fault of the "BIG" banks. Someone tried to shut me down saying that it was the gov. that caused the problem by making banks lend money to people that would not normally qualify.

I answered back that in order to solve a problem you have to first create a problem. Hence forth the banks in conjunction with the politicians that are bought and sold every single day created an environment that would start out as an economic wonder but in the end collapse (as Zombie pointed out, designed to collapse) taking billions if not trillions of $'s in wealth/worth with it.

Here's how it played out, the "Big" banks, (notice I didn't say small banks) dictate or conspire with gov. cronies to falsely inflate the housing marked, and by doing so also create a boom in the outlying industries (constructions, lumber. mills, etc).

So now all banks are forced to loan money to people that not only can't afford the loans but don't even understand the consequences of the terms (such as 5 yr arms/balloon payments), So these people have all this new found money, they buy a house with knowing little to nothing about what comes with ownership, (costs, paperwork, upkeep), they hear that not only can they own a home but now 6 months later the property they bought is worth 100K more than they paid, so they take out a home equity loan, some put the money into the house, others blow it on cars and vacations.

Now when the market is saturated big business pulls back and the market starts to slip, tenants can no longer afford to pay top $ for rent and people can't pay the mortgage.

No sweat says the "Big" banks, our friends in Washington will "bail" (pre planed and fully organized) us out, raise taxes on the only ones that have no time or energy to protest, the middle class.

Now all the "Banks" that played the game remain solvent and the ones that didn't go BK (Bankrupt) cause they didn't somehow qualify for "bailout" money.

So we the people are on the hook, the banks are off, they make a clean sweep of wealth and we lose a giant chunk of ours(even if we didn't invest in a house or property).

Pulling the rug out from under us is the game they play, and they play it well, watch out, cause the stock market is at all time highs (at least in the US), at some point it will crumble.

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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2014, 10:39:59 PM »
I feel like life in America is similar to those asinine "Dealers Choice" poker games. You know... The guy from Iowa that comes up with some lubricious game where 4 jacks are beaten by one deuce if you are sitting to the left of the dealer but he doesn't tell you until you have played your jacks.

Everyone KNOWS what is happening here, including the Bush/Florida deal... but no one is doing anything to stop it.
If we as a people allow blatant lying in our government, and we as a people ignore our own Constitution to the point of allowing NON-elected people to control our country the WE as a nation are destined to fail.

After 55 years of busting my ass I Finally believe I have found the combination of things/actions that will lead to a very lucrative future.
It's a sad state when the very first thought in my mind is... I have to take my ideas OUT of America to protect what I have. Actually to me it is heartbreaking to realize we no longer have a country to protect us. Our leaders have sold out to the very people we needed protection from.
America was founded, and forged by the blood of our fore fathers fighting against exactly what "our" leaders are doing to us today. Taxation without representation! There is NO way to avoid this truth.

Wake up America.!I'll be long gone by the time many of you understand there IS something you can do. In the eventuality you realize "Love it or leave it" only has one option left... I'll be easy to find.

Ps... I talked to this "person" as well at THT forum...
Quote 008:
" Someone tried to shut me down saying that it was the gov. that caused the problem by making banks lend money to people that would not normally qualify."
That fella is an Ivy league Grad. who majored in Finance, and Banking.
Remember that clown from Iowa, and his ever changing card game rules? Yeah... That's him.

My daughter says I'm one Mohawk away from the guy in "Taxi Driver". I keep insisting I'm more akin to the fella in Austin Powers.

"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2014, 11:15:16 PM »
Funny, my wifes says I'm a lot like the part that Mel Gibson plays in "Conspiracy Theory."
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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2014, 11:45:27 PM »
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2014, 01:04:09 AM »
I'm pretty informed abo9ut the Bush family and the comings and goings that go on. I love seeing current day Bush sr. walking down the beach in Haiti with Slick Willy as if they were old friends instead of adversaries.

I'll read over your link tomorrow as time permits, never one to put off more information.

Keep the faith.

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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2014, 01:41:15 AM »
You referring to Clinton?

Bilderberg 2013: Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissenger in attendance...

Here's some info on our "other" secretary of state.  Kissinger, and his affiliation w/ the German DVD, and DCU parties. The same parties that installed Hitler, and Mussolini.
I hope the rest of you are following this. It's REAL!

Something else of interest...
Most of the sites I am linking to will re-direct to "Error 404 Page not found" or pop up false flash player updates or re-direct to random web sites if you use Google to search them out.
 The links I provide are safe, and free of these anomalies because I know how to get to them, and provide you with the safe links.
Big Brother?   You tell me.
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2014, 05:46:50 PM »
Funny how a bunch of Jews escaped from Germany via ship, made it to several ports of call, including the US and were turned away each and every time. Sticks of a set up if you ask me. If you flee Cuba and make it to US soil your home free, your a Jew in Nazi Germany your screwed.

The Bilderburg group, I was hot on these stories back in the 80's using a newspaper called "The Spotlight". They were put out of business by never ending law suits.

If you can look up a small book called "War is a racket" it was written by a US General named Smedly (spelling) and he outlines how people become rich out of war.

Most people aren't aware of it but Lithium is a big deal in Afganistan, and you wonder why they want that country. It's also big in Bolivia, Bolivia actually has the largest amount of Lithium of every country, but it's hard to invade a country that doesn't make any waves.
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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2014, 11:34:32 PM »
Smedley Butler, He's the decorated general that revealed the Coup attempt by the Carnagies, Rockefellers, and some others.

Apparently having as much power as they did allowed them all to evade prosecution, upon making HUGE "donations" to the country they were attempting to overthrow.
 I got out of a DUI when I was 30 something by providing a "blank" money order (pay to was blank) in the amount of 2,500.00. The pretense was the m.o. was going to MADD but in reality it would have been "pay to" if that were the case.
I can honestly say I have never sold out for money. Yeah bribes as a kid ie: clean your room, and you can go out stuff but I have never turned my back on what was right for anything. People that do, make me sick, and will hopefully get what's coming at some point.
Point there is morals... Some have them, some bend them, and some just don't even care.
You would THINK the people we trust to run our world would have morals but for some inane reason we trust the ones that don't.

You also have to remember, we were backing Hitler in the beginning. The only reason we stopped was he went too far.

Also, Japan didn't invade us because they wanted our cars or houses.

This is quoted from "The American Free Press...
After Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941, Japan moved into southern Indochina. FDR ordered all Japanese assets frozen. But FDR did not want to cut off oil. As he told his Cabinet on July 18, an embargo meant war, for that would force oil-starved Japan to seize the oil fields of the Dutch East Indies.

The ENTIRE occurrence of WW II was no random act of events. It was all orchestrated, and carefully planned to happen as it did (albeit Hitler did get carried away). The entire world KNEW what he was doing, and sat back as long as they could.
Same thing is happening right now. We are sitting back as the "world leaders" are tightening their grip on humanity, and my fear is compliance (on our parts) will lead to a police state.
We are all mining money for them.
Your point about Lithium is 100% correct. There are really only three sources, and Afgan. is the only one WE can control. Our entire battery research initiative is based on lithium.

I told the members of THT forum about my family. I never did that here...
My family settled, and founded Prince Edward Island in Canada. We are still prominent there. Anyway, my Great Uncle Charlie (Charles J O'Toole)  became "friends" with Nelson Rockefeller, Joe Kennedy (and obviously others). In 1938 he left NY, and took control of an asbestos mine in California. The first, and ONLY contract he ever had was supplying Rockefeller w/ asbestos. WW II made him wealthy (my uncle). I posted here before that people like Robert Wagner (actor) were like family to us as kids. He was "Uncle Bobby" to me.
After WWII My great uncle. took control of an Emerald mine in Ecuador. That lasted till the mid 50;s, and from there he was involved in the mining of the "Kimberly Pipe" in Africa.
Reason I bring all this up is, in 1967 or 68 (I was 7-8, and I found a lot of uncle Charlies paper work from the diamond mine company. (he had just passed away from Asbestos cancer)  I was IN LOVE with all the ledger books, and company letterhead kind of stuff, and would read thru whatever I could understand, and imagined myself filling out all the sheets, and keeping piles of ledgers. At one point I found a weird set of books that I could almost decipherer. It had small daily numbers followed by weekly/monthly entries. What I had found was a tally of the people that had died at the mine(s) in Africa.  For what ever reason they were listed by weight, and not name.
There are three things that stand out from my childhood. One was a day in Lodi, New Jersey when we were kids, and we were looking for "gangster guns" in the Meadowland swamps. Another was the day my father left my mother, and us (3 kids), and the third was when I realized my family kept records of how many people died while working for them.
From that day forward I was alone. Facts!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 11:45:09 PM by zombie »
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2014, 11:50:06 PM »
Giving your family the benit=fit of the doubt for the moment, maybe they kept records so they could pay something to the dead persons family.

Yes WWII was in fact well planned out, we the people are but grains of sand on the beach of life, we matter not.

I'd like to point out that we are the only 2 people on this thread, wonder why that is?
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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2014, 12:11:45 AM »
I noticed that, and it breaks my heart.

The Hull Truth crew made it apparent why... As long as I can put gas in my car, and buy everything cheaper from China, I'm not gonna make waves! It's almost like an ass kissing syndrome.
I have no problem with that as long as you have no kids. If you do have kids then I am truly sad for both the kids, and the people that raise them with NO concern for the world they are leaving them.

People in America are truly arrogant in thinking "it doesn't matter cause I'm gonna be gone before it happens".
What about your offspring!!! They should matter more than you.

Uncle Charlie or his companies/my family never paid anyone anything other than what was initially agreed as wages. Many of the people that worked for him in Cali died from cancer, and there were NO repercussions. Ever.
In Ecuador they used indigenous people to work. Charlie had a box he would bring home with him after trips to Ecuador. It was a treasure chest he would give me a couple times a year. The box had emeralds in it. Some were the size of ping-pong balls. Yes they were rough,un-cut stones but they were the stones that were confiscated from workers leaving the facilities. He called them "freebies".
My father took them with him when he left in 1968. He felt my family owed him because they never included him in their business. He told me so when I was twenty, and saw him for the first, and last time.
He is still alive, and lives in Seattle Wa.
If anyone here knows Jim Mclaughlin... Know what kind of man he is.
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2014, 08:53:37 PM »
Hmm this reminded me of this thread so I took a picture to share.

From the Big E.
2013 Super 8 50cc 2T Air Cooled Mfg'd 2012
Stock pipe derestriction
Smooth Boss
6.5gm Dr Pulley sliders
Malossi Torsion Controller
Malossi Fly Clutch- yellow springs
Polini Variator
#95 Main Jet
Purple Malossi Contra Spring
42 MPH on the flats with the wind


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Re: The Banks/ Zombie
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2014, 01:24:25 AM »
We should send one of them to Jim Dimon, aka Papa Cheese.  (Chase Bank)
On second thought... 276% annual interest on just the credit cards, he's off my gift list.

I have known "sharks" w/ easier terms. You might get a broken leg, but at least you can keep your house. That's no joke!

« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 01:32:28 AM by zombie »
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...

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