Why don't we see them as the lowest priced OEM parts dealer! That is what MOST people are looking for. No dissrespect to the shop intended. Parts is where it's at... From the majority of the posts I have seen on this forum, there are people looking for parts, more than NEW scoots. Try to convince them to lower their oem prices, and they will increase their volume! "I SELL EVERYTHING BELOW COST... HOW DO I DO IT... VOLUME!!!" That's an old school joke, but the point remains the same. You guys have quite a following/ reputation. PLEASE help the little guy w/ fair prices. I can give you the link to the cdi manuf., and the voltage regulator/rectifier manuf., and you will see the parts we all buy DO NOT cost what we are charged!!! I have an idea to buy the parts dirrect (because the manuf. do not care who they sell to) CDI $12.00 @ per hundred, reg/rect.$8.00 @per hundred. You can verify EVERYTHING w/ a little research. Now imagine Purchaseing buy the container. jp, You seem to be a VERY intelligent fellow! There are MANY people on this forum that would agree! I think it's time for a revolution. KYMCO RIDERS UNITE!!! I ALWAYS give my best ideas away, so here it is... Get "your" shop together w/ 10-20 others, and buy the parts for what they are worth. Sell them at a FAIR margin, and ALLOOWAA, volume! What do you think Kevin did. The first zx/super fever I bought was a 2001. (made for Canada/Mexico) can you guess how much support I got from Kymco USA?---------------! No parts available! That's how I found the forum, manufactures, and aftermarket parts. Sorry I'm a little pissed tonight, and jp, I have the UTMOST respect for you, and the shop you work with. You have been helping people for a long time! I just think it's time to get REAL. A 47mm piston has NO cause to cost $50.00. A PAPER gasket...$27.00???. I thought about not posting this, but here it is.