When I came back to my scooter yesterday morning, smelling faintly of roast turkey, and found frost on my seat and hand grips I decided I needed to take some additional action for self preservation.
Last night I PM'ed Santa and we agreed on a set of Gerbing glove liners, which I can use with my good leather gauntlets, when riding the LIKE to work, or the Forza while goofing on weekends.
The lumps of heat packs in my gloves are not the best thing for touring about. They tend to 'quit' when smothered in a glove - during hour 2 and 3, etc.
The family has decided, after 2 years, that my (winter) scootering is not a passing fancy and agreed that I should paypal Santa forthwith.
I cannot wait to have warm hands and frozen, watery eyes going down the snowy lanes!