My life has been such a mess lately and I haven't winterized my S8 yet. Fortunately, I do have the scoot in a heated garage, but it is near the garage door so it does get blasts of cold air several times a day. I ran it the last time early this month, and started it up this past Sunday. Tomorrow I am off and want to do something to prep it for storage, because I am sure it will be too cold for more riding until at least April.
I want to change the oil, clean the air filter, put some Stabil in the gas tank (it is almost a full tank of gas in there now), do the draining of the tube leading from the carburetor and puke tube as shown in Wayne Kreps latest video, and wash off the scoot. In the owner's manual it says about a tablespoon of oil in the cylinder (I assume they are talking about the tube the spark plug sits in--am I correct?). If so, it may be a non-issue because the last time I tried to get the spark plug out I couldn't. If I can this time, can I use Marvel mystery oil for the cylinder? Can I also use MMO for lubing the points on the scoot that the owners manual say should be lubricated? I am also going to put the battery on a tender and bag the exhaust and cover the bottom of the scoot in a bag to prevent mice from munching on the wires (I can't use mothballs as Zombie suggested as it is a community garage and I'm sure it would be a problem).
Can you suggest anything else I should do? Please let me know. Thanks