You GO, Stig! There are too many of these Ural hacks over here to be all THAT bad. You will be the classiest old "punk" in Ohio! Just think of all that camera gear you can get in the sidecar!
Hey Karl,
OK, I've got Red October out for a test ride....he said, "You've gotta do about a thousand Klicks to really get a feel for it!"
So I swung by the army/navy store and picked up a couple old leather flight helmets for us. No worries, remember that I have your address - I knew you'd be game for a run up to Canada.
They only had ONE RAF I got you one with a rising sun on each side.....both of which apparently have been pierced by.....well, looks like it was a 30 caliber.
Wear your flannels....this could get interesting.
Look for me at the end of your drive @ 0-Dark:30.
,I'll fire a red flare at your front door.
Your comrade, Stig