Well everyone, you've noticed I've been absent from these pages much of the past year. The reason why is that I have been unable to ride. I underwent back surgery several months ago and while I'm "healed" and back to work I have this suspision my back won't be able to take the mean streets on a scooter.
I've not given up completely just yet, will wait until spring when my operation is a full year in the rear view mirror. But am looking if anyone would want to buy mine when the time comes. It's got some damage I never fixed when someone knocked it over while parked, then tried to stand her up and it fell over on the other side. When I go to her my signals were broken (switch) part of the body panel in front is cracked, the horn button no longer works also. Other then that she starts and rides fine, last check she's got a bit over 2K on the clock, she's a 2009 red model. Comes with a full wind shield and a carry bag I have mounted on the rear.
If anyone has an idea of what I should ask for a bike in this condition don't hesitate in speaking up. PS the scoot is 163 CC and tops out at 57 MPH via GPS.