Families with average income belong the high 10% of society, they have "different problems".
The problem is the expected mobility (judges say a 4 hours commute for a part time job is acceptable, 5 hours for full time job, can easily result in >100km) even for simple jobs (down to the infamous 1 € / hour jobs). There a gap opening between costs for mobility and the resulting income (more and more needing social aid in addition to the job!).
The law still calculates with overall mobility costs of 0.15 € / km for working people. Not enough even for public transport.
Many working people can't comply with the official mobility expectations, becoming vilified as lazy and their social aid is refused or cut.
Heating and cooking needs energy too, becomimg more expensive from year to year.
The policiticians using the air force for travels and even for vacation with their family (!more and more every year, don't bothering about the complains of tax payers) don't care about the common population.
As you can imagine, my country has 4 % of Germany`s population and just a fraction of its area. In Germany, employee mobility, especially for white collars is usually expected, here, there is almost no such mobility, neither requirement nor true need. Germany has both industry and service sector. Here everybody pretty much works in the area where they live, we have completely destroyed our industry in the past 20 years, rely on services and public sector and import everything.
This leads to a number of problems, as you can imagine, including exploding public debt.
One such problem is that, opposed to Germany where people rent apartments during their career, 88+ % of Croatians own their own apartment or house. This lack of mobility is narrowing your chances to get a good job, especially when you once buy your own living place. In Germany, the tenants are much better protected (contracts), while in Croatia, 99 % of all private rentals are "black market" rentals where neither landlord nor tenant is protected. It is a wild wild West...
Additional problem is that the first target of everybody here is to get his own apartment at any cost, this leads to inflated balloon of the credit (mortgage) market. Our inflation has been similar to inflation in EU since 1993, but the interest rates are roughly double (8 % interest for real estate purchases, not fixed percentage, depending on LIBOR/EURIBOR, country risk and inflation).