Hi all,
Went to the Motorcycle show today because it was cooooolllldddd today and wanted to do something that reminded me of warmer times.
Stopped at the kymco booth and asked the rep about the Myroad 700i, He told me that there were no signs of it coming out this year as the economy is doing bad and retooling is also expensive and kymco looks at the bottom line and what is best for them (duhhhh). He did say that the best thing to do if people at truely interested in it is to email kymco! He actually gets tailies on the emails sent to kymco every month and there are many inquiring about the myroad!! but needs to be a lot more! Soooo if your interested in it, stop waiting and email kymco!! (can you tell I want this scooter? lol )
Of course he also said that he has been surprised by kymco before and that they have released things with out saying anything about it to there reps. BUTTTT on the other side he said that the engines usually go through months of testing by the goverment for approval, and that has yet to start... Just thought you would like to know what he told me!
He did say the downtown looks to be an awesome machine coming out here though
P.S. sorry about spelling errors and such.... tired and lazy :p