Author Topic: Need help with 2002 Yup, cdi info  (Read 816 times)


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Need help with 2002 Yup, cdi info
« on: October 23, 2016, 10:16:51 PM »
Hello everyone, I recently purchased a 2002 Yup knowing that it did not run.  I cleaned the entire fuel system only to find out there is no spark.  There is no power at the coil.  It turns over fine but does not have spark.  There are two connectors on the left side near the gas tank that go to nothing.  One is a four pin and the other is two pins.  Also noticed there is an empty rubber rectangle near the same location.  Looks like it held some kind of box.  Is this where the CDI was and it's missing now?  Where is the CDI located on the Yup/Sting?  Also noticed the first two characters on the VIN were a little worn.  Looks like RF, does that sound right?  I bought it in CT where there is no registration required.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If I do need a CDI, where should I get one?  A derestricted one of course.  Thanks     
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 08:46:50 AM by Ronin2 »

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