I've had my first extremely minor collision with a car today.
As I was approaching a T intersection, another car did a sloppy sort of turn towards me, into my lane. I pull over to the side as much as I can, expecting him to go into his own lane any second. But he's in no hurry to.
Strangely, many of the details of what happened escape me. I remember not being sure if he would clear me or not, until he hit my mirror (is what I think happened). Somehow I drove into the curb. Some time later it occurred that I have no idea whatsoever if the bike fell over, or if I was just worried it would.
No scratches on the bike that are clearly from hitting anything that i can tell though, except for some tiny black marks on the mirror. In fact, the only clear sign that anything happened is the mirror was a tiny bit out of adjustment. I came out uninjured as well. So all in all a pretty good collision.
And so ends my non-story.