You can easily obtain the wiring diagram by downloading the repair manual via for connections at the CDI you can use flat pin female connectors, plug it in and then hot glue the connections to get them to stay in configuration. for the battery you can use typical connections O-type connectors. I usually write all the colors down at the source and carefully find the same color next to components and write the results. Im amazed nobody helped you. My CDI has green, blk/yellow stripe, black/blue stripe and blue/yellow stripe with two blanks all from one taped cluster. My starter solinoid has a big red wire, big red/wht stripe which are power supplies, one at the battery and another leading to the starter itself. it also has two more lines, a green/yellow stripe and a yellow/red stripe which is a switched wire leading to the starter button. I could spend more time and detail but am breezing along.
The battery is kinda self explanatory, but there is also two fuse areas, one that leads to the CDI with the black/blue stripe that fuses to a solid black, the other fuse is a small Red wired inline fuse from the battery to the starter solenoid. To make things simple: from the main harness you have two spliced bundles, the one on the left in this picture is your CDI and the small bundle on the right is all your Ignition. If you need any more help HMU, GL