You're not the only one that's learning anything. Every time I attempt to do some sort of maintenance on this bike, I learn something! I just bought this bike about 2 months ago. The day I bought it, the guy I bought it from said that he had just done a complete service on it. 2 days later on the way home from work, the temp light came on. Got home and checked the antifreeze, it was so nasty and rust colored. I bought some radiator flush and drained the radiator and put 1/2 the bottle of flush in and the rest with antifreeze. Rode for 3-4 days and drained the radiator again. The fluid would not drain fully so I put the garden hose in and turned it on full blast. The amount of "stuff" that came flying out actually wound up staining my drive way!!! I flushed and drained the radiator 2 more times before I finally got it clean and running cool again. Then the bike started acting like it had some sort of fuel feed issue. Started doing some investigative work on my own and discovered that the spark plugs were not in all the way and on top of that, they were not the right size. Bought new proper plugs and she ran like a scalded dog until this latest bit. So, like I said, you're not the only one learning anything