Days of studying the situation - and a few uncomfortable hours on my knees getting off the blasted small side panel which must be permanently removed in order to install the side stand on my Piaggio Liberty. (I actually heard the neighbor's mower pause - when that panel came rocketing out of my garage)
The next day - the side stand itself was an easy 20 minute installation!
Buttered up the pivot pin with the recommended water proof (Marine) grease; set the O rings in place; 5mm allen screw tightened; snapped on the spring with a spring puller. Ta-da!

Spring puller came with my son's aftermarket CB500 exhaust - springs are a lot easier with this little tool!
Really wonder what a dealer will charge to install this side stand. There must be an easier solution to that panel.
Nope - I'm not installing the side-stand shut-off switch. I've never come close to running a scooter engine with the side stand down - and I do not want to have the switch or the wire socket play-up and shut me down some winter day a few years from now. I like to keep things simple. Plus, I'd probably have to remove more panels to find the socket for the wiring kit.