I've had 4 stator failures on my V-strom 1000. Not uncommon for 1st gen v-stroms. they fail for 2 reasons, 1, thin wiring in the windings just burn themselves out. and 2, the permanent magnets come unglued and move
I have never had #2 happen, always burnt wiring, one time 100 miles from home, unplugged headlights, and headed home, made it 70 miles. Another biker saw me pushing, and went home to get his trailer, and rescued me. another time, at night, only unplugged 1 of the 2 headlights, made it to within a mile of my son's house do I pushed it there, the other 2 times, I was able to make it home
Because it is such a common thing, I added a voltmeter before it even happened once, so I noticed the failure when I was still between 12 & 13 volts, fuel pump stops working between 8 and 9 volts
I am working on a modification, an auxiliary charging system, I've got it partially installed,
an alternator for a drag car, 75 amps, and can withstand the high rpms of a motorcycle, the person I bought this 1 off setup, machined a crankshaft extension to drive the pulley/belt setup. now I'm in the process of designing and fabricating an auxiliary battery box
I'm glad the AK550 has a voltmeter without adding one, I may add one to my K-Pipe, charging system failures suck bigtime