With hopefully with hole in weather will leave Friday, Mar 15. XTown 300 ready, tires checked and pressures adjusted, oil fresh, nothing falling off.
Had to take Puig Touring screen off---just didn't want to deal with windshield that is about 4 inches too high for good look over, for two weeks of riding. Stock screen with bolted on Laminar Lip, on. Because of this, changing Helmets...using Vega 3/4 with face shield, it is heavier than I like but can live with that.
In addition to Aerostich Darien jacket and pants, nice with rain or cold, taking comfortable leather jacket for nice days. Think I will wear Aero Kombat Lite boots, carrying rain overboots. Take plenty of gloves including rain overmitts. Take good supply of foam ear plugs. Even take cold weather coat for Moose, the dog.
My stuff, including sleeping bag goes into 2 rubber Ortleib bags---they work,, are 100% water proof and last about 20 years of riding and even airlines. They ride nice on passenger seat. Being cheap I carry lots of WalMart water, some pop and beer, too. Go out with bike being heavy, lighter on return.
My Givi "hump bag" is really too big and hurts getting on/off. Found $5 Lunch bag that fits in the hump for junk I want quick access to. Velcro secures it, Nylon tie safety loop. goes around key, just in case.
Other than sleeping bag and bivy sack, no camping gear carried.
My CB300F has been sold, pick up money when I return. I like Motel 6, the old type you can park in front of your door for convenience. I find in US "India" run motels are usually dirty and in poor condition....and they usually want extra for dog.....try to avoid them if I can.