Long time Japanese standard oil, for motor cycle/scooter =10-40 was the standard-----little experience here, WalMart 10-40 has worked for me for the last 500,000 miles or so with bikes/scooters and 2 Miatas. Never a problem But, I remember buying a new Helix (Fusion) in Japan (first year, 1990,) of alloy wheels and also keeping another new Helix in the US. Japanese market recommended 10-30, US market 10-40-----I noticed the Japan market bike ran like electric motor at higher speeds----the US market bike on 10-40 never was/were so smooth (in total I had 4 new Helix and over 175,000 miles with them). Parts book showed no differences in the bikes.
Now, my 2019 XTown 300I----changed oil the other day, had bottle of WalMart 10-30 on the shelf---tried it and I noticed smoother high speed running down the Freeway-----Could be only in my head but I did noticed difference in both Helix and the XTown----10-30 hurts nothing with water cooling.