My mechanical skills are such that, I always say a little prayer when setting out to fix something on an automobile.
Not the one you might expect.
Mine is: "Lord, please help me not be too discouraged when this DIY doesn't work."
Couple days ago I noticed the heater/AC blower quit working on my Silverado.
Checked the fuses. Replaced 3 of them - even though they looked OK.
Youtube'd the situation and found a lot of help.
Might be the resistor or the fan motor.
Amazed beyond words to find the resistor and fan/motor are easily accessed under the dash: 2 screws on the resistor; turn the motor and it falls out in your hand!
12 V to the fan from an old scooter battery spun the fan.
So, off to NAPA for a new resistor ("common problem" counterman said)(yes - could have probed for 12V from the resistor plug with multimeter - but my luck - that would short something in the dash)
There is too much of me to fit under anything but the dash of a 747 - but I did it.
And the fan works!!
I thanked the Lord - and asked the Lord to copy & paste my initial prayer for next time.