Looks like this Virus thing will slow down my riding season (mine is 12 months long)--right now thinking about going to ME to see the start of the Scooter Cannonball start----problem for me I have to go thru PA/NY and their bad/poor condition roads.
Plan this year, more camping in North, South too hot----stay away from India run motels as best I can....last one, Motel 6, I stayed in a couple of weeks ago had lots of bugs!
If do camping, do not like high mileage days---which I do not need anyway. This year, no new bike....2019 only has 10,000 miles and still a year of warranty---wife spends too much money.
Scooter business already dead in US---Virus not doing much for it. Only plan for my XTown 300i this year, new tires---thinking about Continental instead of Michelin Power Pure SC (good experience with them in past).