Charged up the battery still no spark. I have replaced the CDI, ignition coil and spark plug and got random spark and now no spark any ideas?
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A battery can be fully charged, but it can still be faulty and not hold power under load. You need to get a proper load test done on the battery to find out whether it's faulty or not.
The DC CDI on your scooter needs to get at least 9.5 Volts from the battery, otherwise you will have starting problems. You can do a simple Voltage test at the CDI's power supply plug to test power supply to the CDI:
1. Unplug the terminals at the CDI.
2. Switch the ignition Swith in "On" position, pull one of the brake Levers, press the starter Button - and do a Voltage test at the loose terminal which supply power to the CDI. (On my scooter the two pin terminal which connects to the CDI has one wire connected to the plug. That power feed to the CDI is at the wire connected to the two pin plug).
3. You need to get at least a 9.5 Volt reading on that loose terminal while the engine is swinging. If you get a reading lower than 9.5 Volts, chances are very good that the battery is faulty, and does not hold enough power to generate a proper spark to start the engine.