I just bought this exhaust to replace the de-restricted exhaust on the 2013 Kymco Super 8 49cc.
After yanking out the restriction and installing it, the scooter was very zippy with greater acceleration than the stock de-restricted exhaust. It is a great performance pipe IMO.
The restriction is a thick cone washer held on by 2 tack welds. Once the welds are ground down and broken, id did take considerable effort to remove the cone as it was in there pretty tight.
BUT Its sounds absolutely FREAKING HORRIBLE.
I liken the sound to someone scratching their nails on a chalk board and broadcasting it with a giant megaphone. I feel I would be run out of town riding around with this exhaust sounding like it did.
I can't ride it like that and I can't return it after de-restricting so its going in the garbage or the transfer station to get recycled. I don't think I would even want to give this a way.
I may try and sell on ebay with no minimum bid but I'd prefer to toss it out and move on and swallow the loss.
That's my honest opinion and review of this exhaust.